Buckthorn brittle

Parts used: bark, which is only fit for consumption after it has been aged for 1 year.

Pharmacy name: buckthorn bark – Frangulae cortex (formerly: Cortex Frangulae).

Botanical description. This tree-like shrub reaches a height of 6 m. Numerous gray-white lenticels (fabric for air exchange) are striking on a smooth, shiny gray-brown bark. From inconspicuous bisexual flowers, which are located in bunches of 2-6 in the axils of the leaves, first green, later red and in the mature state, blue-black drupes develop. The leaves are elliptical, entire, have a glossy surface and are arranged alternately. Branches without thorns – as opposed to joster, the bark and berries of which also have a laxative effect. Blooms from May to July. It is found in Europe often in marshy forests, alder groves, along roadsides and in hedgerows.

Collection and preparation. Buckthorn bark is stripped from branches and branches. This must be done in early spring, during sap flow – that is when the bark is separated most easily. The bark is dried in the sun or in the shade, but for medicinal purposes it needs to lie down for a year, because when fresh it provokes vomiting. Approximately during this time, the enzymes destroy the frangularosides, and thus the possibility of undesirable side effects is eliminated. In the last time, the method of rapid “artificial aging” is used – the raw material is heated in a stream of hot air.

active substances. The main active ingredients of the prepared bark are glucofrangulin and frangulin (anthraquinone derivatives).

Healing action and application. Buckthorn bark is a mild but very effective laxative that affects the large intestine. In its composition, respectively, and in its action, the bark of buckthorn is close to the leaves of hay, aloe and medical rhubarb. It is milder than aloe and senna, but stronger than medicinal (Pontic) rhubarb. It is used as a tea from buckthorn bark, also mixed with other drugs, especially carminatives (carminatives). In addition, buckthorn bark is a favorite ingredient in many spring and fall teas where a mild laxative effect is desired. Numerous galenic products, especially in the form of dragees, contain the active ingredients of buckthorn bark.

  • Buckthorn bark tea: 1 teaspoon chopped bark pour 1/4 liter of cold water, stand for 12 hours, stirring from time to time, strain and drink before going to bed in a tepid state. If time is limited, you can pour hot water over the bark and let it brew for 5-10 minutes. Tea prepared in this way will not cause watery stools, irritation of the intestinal mucosa and congestion of the pelvic organs.

My special advice. Hard stools associated with flatulence and a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen can have so many causes that it is often in vain to look for them. But since help is needed, I recommend the tea blend I tried.

  • Tea mixture against hard stools: Buckthorn bark 20.0 Cumin fruits 10.0 Chamomile inflorescences 10.0 Centaury herb 5.0\r 

One or two teaspoons of the mixture is poured into 1/4 liter of cold water, kept for 12 hours and filtered. It is better to drink 1 cup of lukewarm tea in the evening. One who suffers especially from bloating should add cumin to the tea mixture, crushed and crushed. Use in folk medicine. In folk medicine, buckthorn bark serves not only as a proven laxative, but also as a remedy for diseases of the biliary system and liver, anemia, skin diseases, fever, and, above all, for hemorrhoids, tea is used.

Side effects. With the correct dosage and the use of material aged for at least a year, there is no reason to fear side effects. Like all powerful laxatives, buckthorn bark should not be used long-term. Try another way to deal with stool retention (for example, using flax seeds). Fresh berries are slightly poisonous. They lead, especially in babies, to diarrhea with colic.

Note.The German National Health Service gives buckthorn users many indications, which are given on the accompanying texts for a pack of buckthorn bark tea. The area of ​​application is constipation and all diseases in which an easy release of the intestines with soft stools is desirable: for example, with cracks in the anus, hemorrhoids and after rectal-anal surgery. In case of intestinal obstruction, also during pregnancy and menstruation, buckthorn bark should not be used. Warn against prolonged use due to harmful effects (loss of potassium and minerals), since the loss of potassium enhances the action of cardiac glycosides. In general, before using laxatives, even of purely herbal origin – buckthorn is a good example of this,