
Perennial herbaceous plant up to 60 cm tall. Taproot, strongly branched. Stems numerous, ascending or erect, slightly pubescent. Underground stems are white, forming fleshy, strongly starchy tubers at the ends, edible. Leaves intermittently pinnate with 7-11 leaflets ovate with an oblique base, pubescent. The flowers are quite large, whitish or purplish, with a star-shaped corolla, in forked curls. The fruit is a green, black-purple, highly poisonous berry. Blooms from June to August. Bred in gardens. Homeland – South America.

Medicinal raw materials are mature underground tubers and flowers. The tubers contain carbohydrates, proteins (globulin, tuberin, albulin, proteins and peptone), fiber, pectin, also oxalic, malic, citric and other organic acids, a significant amount of potassium (568 mg%) and phosphorus (50 mg%) . In addition, potato tubers contain vitamins: C (26-42 mg%), Bj, B2, B6, folic and nicotinic acids, and vitamin A (in a non-cardinal amount). Potatoes are a source of vitamin C in the human diet. One of the components of the potato peel is the poisonous glycoalkaloid solanine, which can cause poisoning. The greatest amount of solanine contains germinated tubers, as well as tubers with green skin.


Potato tubers are a good food product; they are also used to obtain starch, alcohol, and other products.

There is an indication in the literature that in an experiment an infusion of potato flowers lowers blood pressure and stimulates respiration. It should be remembered that the aerial part of the potato (especially in the fruits) contains a significant amount of solanine (1%) and nitrites (4%), which can cause severe poisoning. Application

In folk medicine, the juice of raw potato tubers (squeezed from raw red potatoes, 1/2 cup 3 times every day on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals and at bedtime) is recommended for gastritis and peptic ulcer disease with high acidity and persistent headaches. An old folk remedy is the inhalation of potato steam (steam from potatoes boiled in their uniforms, or boiled potato peel) for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, sore throat, etc. Fresh potatoes, applying it to the skin, treat skin diseases – eczema, etc.

Preparation of potato juice. Washed and wiped dry potatoes with peel are rubbed through a grater. Juice with starch is squeezed out, it is recommended to use only freshly prepared juice. Starch is used as an enveloping, anti-inflammatory agent for gastrointestinal diseases, burns.

And also give respect to the statue Potato is real