Cabbage gorodnya – garden cabbage

Dvorіchna grass’yanista roslina of the homeland of cabbages (Chrestotsvitih). By the protyag of the first fate of life, a low stalk is established and a large number of leaves are folded at the thin smooth head; on the other river, a flower stem up to 1.5 m long develops. The leaves are large, black, fleshy, bluish-green or violet. The tickets are two-stated, correct, chotiric, selected in Chinese; the pellets are pale yellow or white. Plid – a double pod. Flowers in herbs – chervni.

Width . Cabbage gorodnya grows throughout the entire territory of Ukraine like vegetable growth.

Sirovina . With a jubilant method, vicorist the leaves of the growth.

Chemical warehouse . Cabbage leaves have proteins (1.1-2.3%), organic acids (malic, citric, glucuronic, succinic, chlorogenic, ferulic, kavova, tartron, murashina and others), zucri (1.9-5.3% ), vitamins C, B 1 , B 2 , B 6 , H, E, B-carotene, nicotinic, pantothenic and folic acids, fats, amino acids (tryptophan, lysine, methionine, tyrosine, histidine and others), cellular (0, 6-1.6%), macro- and microelements (potassium -185-375 mg%, phosphorus – 31-78 mg%, sulfur, sodium, calcium, magnesium, salt, silver, tin, lead, titanium, molybdenum, nickel , vanadium too). It should be noted that in cabbage the amount of vitamin C is significant in looking at the so-called ascorbic gene. Tsya form of ascorbic acid may not be destroyed during the processing and processing of cabbage.

Pharmacological power and victory. The complex of chemical speeches, which are found in cabbage, provide rich therapeutic power. Experimental clinical trials to testify to the high efficiency of fresh cabbage juice in the treatment of virazic ailment and duodenal ulcer. The main diyuchoy river in the Tsoma Vipad is to the vitamin u, Yaki MAH Antigstamiynni, Power of the Personal, Paul LiPin, TIAMIN INTABOLISHISS SLAZHOLISHICS, PIDYNITYYA Under the name “vitamin U”, the industry releases the active form of methionine – methylmethioninesulfonium chloride. This stosuvannya is shown and gives a good therapeutic effect in cases of ailment of the mucosa and twelve-fingered intestines, with enteritis, colitis, ailment of the skin (eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, superficial allergic vasculitis) and in cardiosclerosis. However, it should be noted that the therapeutic effect of natural cabbage juice is significantly greater, oscillating wines, on the side of pure methylmethionine sulfonium chloride, moreover bactericidal, bacteriostatic, fungicidal, fungistatic and phytoncidal power. It has been experimentally shown that fresh cabbage has an antibacterial effect on Staphylococcus aureus and tuberculosis microbacteria. Krym tsgogo, fresh sik cabbage may protikashlevі th vіdharkuvalnі power. Mayzhe povna vіdsutnіst in cabbage purine bases to rob її coris in dietary eating ailments for gout and zhovchnokam’yanu ailments. Sik, lettuce and other herbs from cabbage are indicated for diseases of the heart and nirok (diuretic zdatniststvo zavdyaki given potassium salts), with atherosclerosis (the presence of pectin, which helps to remove toxic speech and cholesterol from the body, and cellular tissue, to remove cholesterol and improve the motor function of the intestine), with obesity (tartronic acid, galmu, converting into carbohydrates into fat and cholesterol). From long ago vicorist cabbage and in folk medicine. We have always respected it effectively and at the same time with a certain jubilant manner, which increases the resistance of the body to other illnesses. Folk medicine recommends cultivating fresh cabbage or with sleeplessness, headaches, zhovtusi and ailments of the spleen. Fresh and sauerkraut is used in people to increase appetite, increase secretory sloughing of the mucus, regulate intestinal dysplasia, prevent scurvy and chronic dyspepsia, as a sechoginal and mild laxative effect. Sauerkraut or sauerkraut abo rozsil vіd neї vzhiivayut with diabetes, liver ailments, zhovchnoy michur cholangiohepatitis; Cabbage rozsil polypshui etching, priyaє vіddіlennyu zhovchі, vyyavlyaє easy sedative diyu, especially effective in hemorrhoids. The juice of cabbage and її vіdvar with honey is used to treat laryngitis, bronchitis and other inflammatory processes of the respiratory paths. Yak zovnіshіy zasіb vykorovuyut fresh leaves and sіk cabbage. Fresh leaves are applied to swollen areas in case of gout. For goennya rotten wounds, virazok and opikіv vykoristovuyut podribne cabbage leaves, zmіshane half with simple egg white. Fresh juice of cabbage, diluted with warm water at a ratio of 1:1, vicarious for rinsing with stomatitis and tonsillitis. shows a mild relief effect, especially effective for hemorrhoids. The juice of cabbage and її vіdvar with honey is used to treat laryngitis, bronchitis and other inflammatory processes of the respiratory paths. Yak zovnіshіy zasіb vykorovuyut fresh leaves and sіk cabbage. Fresh leaves are applied to swollen areas in case of gout. For goennya rotten wounds, virazok and opikіv vykoristovuyut podribne cabbage leaves, zmіshane half with simple egg white. Fresh juice of cabbage, diluted with warm water at a ratio of 1:1, vicarious for rinsing with stomatitis and tonsillitis. shows a mild relief effect, especially effective for hemorrhoids. The juice of cabbage and її vіdvar with honey is used to treat laryngitis, bronchitis and other inflammatory processes of the respiratory paths. Yak zovnіshіy zasіb vykorovuyut fresh leaves and sіk cabbage. Fresh leaves are applied to swollen areas in case of gout. For goennya rotten wounds, virazok and opikіv vykoristovuyut podribne cabbage leaves, zmіshane half with simple egg white. Fresh juice of cabbage, diluted with warm water at a ratio of 1:1, vicarious for rinsing with stomatitis and tonsillitis. virazok and opikіv vikoristovuyut trimmed cabbage leaves, zmіshane half with simple egg white. Fresh juice of cabbage, diluted with warm water at a ratio of 1:1, vicarious for rinsing with stomatitis and tonsillitis. virazok and opikіv vikoristovuyut trimmed cabbage leaves, zmіshane half with simple egg white. Fresh juice of cabbage, diluted with warm water at a ratio of 1:1, vicarious for rinsing with stomatitis and tonsillitis.

Medical forms and vikoristannya .

Internally – methylmethionine sulfonium chloride (vitamin U) is taken once a day, 1-2 tablets (0.05-0.1 g) for 30-40 days in case of viral disease of the duct and twelfth intestine, chronic gastritis with normal, reduced function, reduced function of the duct with gastralgia (in case of individual unacceptable vitamin U, nausea, vomitting and exacerbation of pain can occur, which may occur with a change in dose or other drug);

fresh cabbage juice should be warmed in a flask 2-3 times a day until 3-4 days in case of virazkovy ailment, liver ailments and gum michur, with cholangiohepatitis and atherosclerosis contraindicated);

roses of sauerkraut are taken warmly in a glass of water 2-3 times a day before meals with liver ailments, mush and cholangiohepatitis, and with hemorrhoids, especially if the illness is accompanied by constipation and bleeding, up to 2 bottles per dose.