Gorodnya cabbage

Brassica oleraceae L.

Courtyard vegetable growth from the homeland of cabbages (Brassicaceae), containing 16 amino acids, for example, tryptophan, lysine, methionine, tyrosine, histamine and others. Vaughn bagat on vitamins A, B 1 , B 6 , C (ascorbigen), P, K, potassium salts, phosphorus, microelements – cobalt, copper, zinc, magnesium; tsukri, fats, enzymes (lactose, protease, lipase), on the growth hormonal speech, phytoncides.

When to stall? Syria is well embossed with warm sіk, using a glass of trich for a day for 3-4 days, with avitaminosis, virazkovy ailment of the duct and the twelfth intestine, improving appetite and seeing herbal juices in gastritis with insufficient secretory function, colitis; with zhovtyanitsі, ailments of the spleen; with dropsy (dіє sechoginno), gout, constipation. Sik z tsukrom dіє, yak vіdkharkuvalny, antiseptic and protizapalny zasib, digestion z tsukrom – for protverzhennia, and sumi z vіdvarom z nasіnnya cabbage – in case of sleeplessness. Nasinnya cabbage is anthelmintic.

Cabbage leaves, boiled in milk and zmishani with visivka, put like a poultice in case of golden, wet eczema; podribnenі syri cabbage leaves, zmіshanі z egg white, put on festering wounds, chronic virazki y opіki. Sirim juice to remove warts, dilute with water to rinse your mouth with tonsillitis. In the cabbage, tartronic acid is hidden, as it will prevent obesity.

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