
Well-known field and garden culture. Biennial herbaceous plant. Rod root. The stem is shortened in the first year, forms a basal rosette of leaves collected in a dense head. The stem of the second year is erect, cylindrical. The stem leaves are simple, the lower ones are petiolate, lyre-shaped, the upper ones are not completely stalked. The flowers are regular, four-membered, white or light yellow. Stamens 6, 2 shorter than others. Upper ovary. The inflorescence is a rare, elongated raceme. The fruit is a tuberculate pod with a short thick nose. Blooms in May-June.

Medicinal raw materials are fresh leaves and juice. Cabbage is low in calories. It contains a small amount of carbohydrates, fats, up to 2% sugar, many minerals, among which potassium salts (185-375 mg%) and phosphorus (31-78 mg%), growth substances, enzymes predominate. Up to 16 free amino acids have been found in cabbage, and among them are such essential ones as tiptophan, lysine, methionine, tyrosine, histidine, etc. Cabbage is rich in vitamins. It contains ascorbic acid, vitamin P, vitamin K and pyridocoine. Carotene is found only in the green leaves of white cabbage. Cabbage juice is especially rich in vitamins, hormonal, growth substances and enzymes.


The special value of cabbage as a plant containing vitamin C is due to the presence in it of a 30% form of ascorbic acid (indole-linked), which is called ascorbigen. Ascorbigen is the most stable type of vitamin C. It is known that other forms of vitamin C are easily destroyed when crushing and processing cabbage, while the indole-bound form is very stable and can be stored for more than a year. This is especially valuable in winter. It has been established that there is 50 times more ascorbigen in cabbage than in raw potatoes. In the juice of white cabbage, a special substance was discovered, which is called vitamin U, or an antiulcer factor. Vitamin U has a specific effect directly on the gastric mucosa, causing the elimination of the ulcerative process – mainly in patients with normal and low acidity.

Peptic ulcer is a serious disease. Fresh cabbage juice often heals a person from a stomach or duodenal ulcer no worse than an operation. It is especially convenient to use dried juice for treatment. As you know, with traditional drying, cabbage juice loses its medicinal properties. The currently used spray drying method, which avoids gumming, overheating and a significant loss of physiologically active substances, makes it possible to obtain dry cabbage juice with enhanced medicinal properties. The course of treatment requires approximately 360 g of powder, which corresponds to 9 kg of fresh cabbage.

Healing cabbage juice is easy to prepare at home. To do this, it will be necessary to quickly pass the cabbage through a meat grinder two or three times or chop it carefully, and squeeze the chopped mass through gauze. Such juice should be drunk heated in a full glass four times every day. It is better to use a juicer to make fresh juice. The course of treatment is four to six weeks. It is necessary to store the juice in a cool place, in a tightly closed container, no more than 1-2 days; as a result of this, the juice loses its medicinal properties.

Dry cabbage juice has been proposed for the treatment of atherosclerosis. Scientists have found that cabbage phytoncides retard the growth of tubercle bacilli. They also help in the treatment of people exposed to radioactive irradiation.

Phytoncides have an antibacterial effect on Staphylococcus aureus, etc.

Cabbage has been used in folk medicine for medicinal purposes since ancient times. The use of raw or sauerkraut significantly increases appetite, enhances the secretory activity of the stomach glands, and regulates the activity of the stomach and intestines. Sauerkraut or raw cabbage is an excellent remedy for scurvy and chronic dyspepsia.

Fresh cabbage juice mixed with sugar is used to treat catarrhs ​​of the upper respiratory tract (with an expectorant effect, a decrease in soreness and soreness of the upper respiratory tract), and is also used to sober up those intoxicated with alcohol. Traditional medicine recommends drinking cabbage juice for jaundice and diseases of the spleen.

Sauerkraut, or rather, a brine from it, is taken orally for hemorrhoids, especially if the disease is accompanied by constipation and severe bleeding, with dyspepsia, simple constipation, and liver diseases.

Outwardly, a slurry of cabbage leaves mixed with egg white is applied to purulent wounds, ulcers, burns, etc., which contributes to their faster healing.

Crushed leaves boiled in milk are mixed with bran and applied to the skin for scrofula, weeping eczema, etc.

Fresh cabbage juice, diluted with warm boiled water, is used for rinsing with inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity.


Cabbage is harmless. Usually single doses of juice or brine from half a glass to 2 glasses per reception.

And also give respect to the statue Gorodnya Cabbage