With viburnum in our people, a lot of orders were sent; Won is a character of numerical songs and fairy tales. Hanging stand the beautiful viburnum near the white shatahs, from afar you can see the lower aroma of the flowers. In the autumn, they wear a rich outfit: against the background of a leaf shattered by frost, red berries are brightly scorched. Vzimku viburnum generously treats fox birds. Rozgoduyuchis in the bushes, thrushes and mistletoes caress with yaskravy fruits. Frozen berries are enjoyed by people.
Call the viburnum – a bush, but if there is a small tree, the crown is up to 4 m. The shovel itself is chipped-toothed. The leaves are bare above, and downy below. The flowers were white, sometimes rosy, near the umbrella-like shields, and the vines of the last flowers make the pellets of different sizes. The inside tickets are correct, meaning they are different, lower from the country. Flower of viburnum in herb-chervni. Growth at the foothills, along the banks of streams and rivers, in thickets of chagar forests in the forest and forest-steppe zones of the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus, near Western Siberia, as well as in Kazakhstan, Central Asia and Ukraine (in all territories). Roslina is popular on garden plots.
For the preparation of liqueurs, they take the bark, flowers and fruits of the roslin. The bark is harvested in the spring, before the leaves are opened, and the fruits – in the world of their ripening, more often in spring and yellow, after the first frost. The bark is taken from young pagons, shattered ring-like nicks on the 20-25 cm wide, bury them later. To come out two pipes, to dry, clapping in one ball, in the sun or in a warm, well-ventilated room. Sirovina is ready, as if it were breaking with a bang. Save the bark by stretching some rocks. The fruits are also dried on the floor, at the zamіnku, inkoli in dryers at a temperature of 50-60 ° C, after drying, the stalks and stalks are removed. The bark and dried fruits of Kalini are for sale in specialized pharmacies. Flowers of roslin zastosovuyut only in folk medicine.
The bark contains flavonoids, organic acids, alcohol and resins. In the warehouse of fruits there are zukri, flavonoids, tannins and pectin, vitamins, organic acids and microelements. The flowers are rich in flavonoids, organic acids, they contain vitamin C and ethereal oliya. Nasinnya (kistyanki) to revenge the fat olive.
Preparations for measles viburnum bleed, show in the astringent and light sechoginous effect, potentiate the effect of disease. Vykoristovuyut їх also like calm (sedative) zasіb. They increase the tone of the uterus. Kalini bark is indispensable for bleeding in the post-slyapological and menopausal period. Corisno take in the form of measles internally with hemorrhoids; dopomagayut stink zapobіgti vipadkovim and zvichnym abortion.
Kalini fruits (fresh, rubbed with zukr), as well as their sik tsіlyuschi with nervous irritability, hypertensive ailment, atherosclerosis and spasms of the vessels. Boiled fruits from copper are used for curing diseases of the organs of indigestion, hoarseness, liver ailments, zhovtyanitsa (hepatitis) and diarrhea.
Since ancient times, the vicarious fruit has been victorious among the people as faces against deaky malignant new creations, for example, milk sprouts, for the prevention of shell cancer (with a decrease in acidity). It is also worth remembering that post-eating the viburnum juice is full of self-feeling sickness with the tufts of the grass tract.
Nastіy plodіv korisniy at furunculosis, carbunculosis, eczema and other skin diseases of the disease, high in vitamins and zagalnozmіtspyunalniy diї. Fresh sіk is indispensable also in cosmetologists as a zasіb against pigmentation skins.
Nastіy kvіtok іn folk medicine vicorist for likuvannya cough, with colds, sclerosis and ailments of the mucus. Influences wines and bactericidal action: it is used to wash wounds and gargle with sore throats.
The fresh fruits of viburnum hyrka and in the supra-worldly vzhivannnі can vomit, but after frosts, the bitterness is known to the world, and they vicorist at the hedgehog. After steaming with zukr, spicy jam comes out with a light hot primak – a miracle filling for pies. To cook jelly, wipe them with zukr, kistanki, wadding in the pulp, tonic power – to dry them, smear that vicorist like a kavi surrogate. Dried fruits are an indispensable component of vitamin collections.
The honey productivity of the viburnum is not high – 15-20 kg per 1 hectare, however, it provides for a safe honey harvest, which is necessary for the spring development of bjoline families.
Vidvar measles. 10 g of measles per 200 ml of okrop. Heat on a boiling water bath for 10-15 min., protsidzhuyut, vіdzhimayut, bring to cob volume with warm boiled water. Take 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day after eating.
Nasty fruits. 2 tablespoons of dry fruits per 200 ml of okrop. Insist 15 min., proceed. Take 1/3 bottle 3-4 times a day after eating.
Nasty ticket. 1 teaspoon of dry flowers for 200 ml of okrop. Insist 10 minutes, proceed. Take 2 bottles per day.
Siri rosem’yatі fruits. 1 table spoon 3-4 times a day for the first half of the day. When virazzi shluka, colitis and constipation.