Kalanchoe Daigremont – Kalanchoe Daigremont

Name: Kalanchoe Daigremonta – Kalanchoe Daigremonta

Daigremont’s Kalanchoe (Kalanchoe daigremontiana); Daigremont’s bryophyllum, Daigremont’s viviparous; Kalanchoe Daigremont


Perennial herbaceous succulent plant of the broadleaf family. The stem is strong, straight, often wooden at the base. The leaves are opposite, petiolate, fleshy, dark green, shiny, elongated triangular, on the lower side – with pinkish-purple branches, serrated on the edge; at the ends of the teeth, so-called “kids” are small plants with leaves and roots. The flowers are large, bell-shaped, pinkish-purple. Blooms in winter.

Spread. The homeland of the plant is the southwestern part of the island of Madagascar, where it grows on sandy soils. On the territory of the former USSR, Kalanchoe Daigremont is bred as an indoor ornamental plant.

Raw material . For medicinal purposes, juice or fresh crushed leaves (porridge) are used.

The plant is unofficial .

The chemical composition has not yet been studied .

Pharmacological properties and use . In folk medicine, the plant is known for its hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. They are used along with Kalanchoe pinnate. In addition, juice or crushed leaves are used for skin rashes and eczema, to stop bleeding from wounds. Kalanchoe daigremonta shows precipitating activity and from this point of view is promising for use in forensic medicine practice. With the help of extracts from the leaves of the plant, it is possible to identify human blood and saliva, mother’s milk. The type of blood can be identified even when the stains are 5 years old. Diluted with water, the juice from Kalanchoe leaves is dripped into the nose, and it causes strong sneezing when there is a need to clean the maxillary sinuses, during colds.