Hiccup grey-green



Biennial grayish short, pubescent plant with erect branched stem 60-90 cm tall; the leaves are rather large, shortly pubescent, dull on both sides, light green, the lower ones often with reddened tips, oblong-lanceolate or oblong, sharp, very finely serrate, with a wedge-shaped base on short petioles (almost sessile); flowers are white or yellowish, in dense capitate racemes, elongated with fruits; fruits – oval bivalve-four-leaf boxes-pods; seeds are flat, tuberculate, brown. Blooms all summer.

It grows as a weed in the fields, it is also found in upland meadows and along roads.

The plant is known to contain alkaloids and the glycoside sinigrin. In folk medicine, hiccups are known as a sedative, especially recommended for nervous hiccups, choking, bronchial asthma, coughs, bleeding after childbirth, stomach diseases, and headaches.

An infusion of the flowers is effective in the treatment of childhood diarrhea. Baths from a decoction (infusion) are considered a means of strengthening the nerves, tonic in case of sharp painful weight loss. Babies suffering from spasmophilia (“infant”) are bathed in a decoction; decoction washed contaminated wounds.


Infusion of herbs or the whole plant: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of raw materials insist 2 hours in a glass of boiling water and drink 1-2 tbsp. spoons 3 times every day.

Infusion of flowers: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flowers in a glass of boiling water, take according to Art. spoon after 2 hours.

The astringent effect of hiccup has been confirmed by clinical trials.