Zozulinets mawp’yachiy – orchis monkey

Zozulinets mawp’yachiy (Orchis simia); orchis monkey


Bagatorichna herbaceous roslina of the homeland of the Zozulintsev (orchids). Bulbi oval or culiast. Stem 20-45 cm. The leaves of the species are lanceolate, blunt, to the core sounding. The tickets are two-state, irregular, pale-purple, gathered into a dense ovoid ear; inklets are luscious, richly short at the ovary; the middle lip of the dvolopateva, її chastki dovgi (up to 1 cm), vuzkolinіyny or linear with styloid prong between them; lateral scapulae are linear, up to 7.5 cm. Plid – a box. Blossom at the flower-grass.

Width. Rіdkіsna roslina. The sight trapleyaetsya in the Girsky Crimea and on the outskirts of Feodosiya on chagars, on fox galyavins, girsky bows and on schilas. Listed to the Chervonoy Book of Ukraine.

Procurement and saving . Harvest in the areas of growth is categorically fenced. With a jubilant method of vicarious growing on the plantation of bulbous roots, as if they were picked immediately after the flowers of the growth. Less young, daughter bulbs, old bulbs are harvested. Selected bulbs are good to miyut, for 4-5 min. boil water, and then dry it on a dry floor, under a bait, or in a dryer at a temperature of 50-55 °. Possessed with such a rank, the sirovina is called “bulbi salep” (Tubera Salep). From 10 kg of sirih bulbs you will get 1 kg of dry bulbs. Take care of neurological, well-ventilated places. Lines of appurtenance – 6 years. Salep pharmacies are not allowed.

Chemical warehouse. Bulbokoreni mucus (up to 50%), starch (up to 27%), dextrin, pentosan, sucrose thinly.

Pharmacological power and victory. Salep is a kind enveloping, anti-sweating and deep-seated zasib. Vіn pereskodzhaє vmoktuvannyu skіdlivih rechovina z shlunkovo-intestinal tract. As an enveloping and anti-seizure zasib salep, it is prescribed for acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory pathways and for inflamed intestinal tract. Effective use of salep in bronchitis, gastroenteritis, colitis and viral ailments. Salep mucus is drunk when it is intoxicated, so that you can wipe it off. Stop at the sight of mucus orally and in enemas. Salep is especially important in case of a severe exuberant organism, which is associated with trivial bleeding, physical and rozumova reversal and tuberculosis, and with impotence. The powder of old bulbs was introduced into the abortive and anti-abdominal way, as well as the way that regulates menstruation. Nastіy herbs of love vvazhavshis sechogіnim, sweating and hypotensive disease. The last time they fought for epilepsy.

Medical forms and zastosuvannya . Slime (Mucilago Salepi) – 2 g of salep powder, scalded with 200 ml of okrop, zbovtuyut 10-15 minutes. and take 1 tea or dessert spoon 2-3 times a day. Preparing mucus is stored in the refrigerator.