Sowing chestnut, or noble

Pharmacy name: chestnut leaves – Castaneae folium (formerly: Folia Castaneae).

Botanical description. The noble chestnut tree reaches a height of 30 m. Its leaves are of medicinal value, elongated-lanceolate, with teeth along the edges, and on each clove there is a thorn. Male flowers are collected in erect catkins, female flowers are equipped with bracts and unite 2-3. Blooms in May (June). Fruits with brown seeds outside are dense, prickly. The homeland of the chestnut is considered to be the Mediterranean. In Germany, it is sometimes found in parklands or other crops, in some areas it is quite common in a wild form in oak forests. We receive pharmaceutical goods from the former USSR, Hungary and the former Yugoslavia.

Collection and preparation. In August, September and October, leaves up to 20 cm long are harvested and dried.

Active ingredients: tannins, tri-terpene, vitamin C, flavonoids.

Healing action and application. Although traditional medicine has been successfully using chestnut leaves for more than a century as a remedy for bronchitis, whooping cough, asthma and other respiratory diseases, the German National Health Service stated in a monograph dated 04/23/1987: “Since the effectiveness in the required field of application has not been confirmed, therapeutic use chestnut is not recommended.” However, further research is likely to show the effectiveness of the substances contained in the chestnut. And I would like to recommend tea to alleviate the condition in diseases of the respiratory tract.

  • Tea from the leaves of a noble chestnut: 2 teaspoons with a top of crushed leaves are poured with cold water, boiled for a short time and filtered. Drink 2-3 tea cups of tea every day.

Side effects at observance of a dosage are unknown, the risk is absent. Comment. Roasted chestnuts are a well-known Southern delicacy. They are also used to feed geese.