Zelenchuk Zhovtiy – Yellow Zelenchuk

Yellow vegetable (Galeobdolon luteum); Lamiaceae (Labiatae) family; yellow vegetable


This plant is very similar to the white deaf nettle, only the flowers are of a different color. It used to belong to the nettle genus, but then it was separated into a separate genus. Of course, these are botanical subtleties.

Yellow vegetable is a sparsely pubescent perennial herbaceous plant 15-40 cm tall. Its stems are ascending, sometimes branched, reddish at the base. The leaves are simple, opposite, petiolate, egg-shaped, with two-toothed edges, often with silver-white spots, as if they were sprinkled with lime or chalk. The flowers are irregular (double-lipped), collected in six-flowered ring inflorescences. They bloom in May-June. The fruit consists of four nuts. The yellow vegetable usually grows in deciduous forests, occurs in thickets of shrubs. In Ukraine, it grows in similar places throughout the territory, except for the steppe zone and the Crimea.

The plant is used as a medicine exclusively in folk medicine. For the preparation of products, the aerial part is collected during the flowering period. The tops of the stems are cut off together with the flowers. Raw materials are dried under

shelter in the open air or in a well-ventilated room.

The chemical composition of the vegetable is almost unknown. It is known that the growth contains water-soluble compounds of silicon.

Folk healers use the diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties of the vegetable and use the infusion of the herb for glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, acute and chronic cystitis, urethritis, and prostate adenoma. This tool is prescribed to elderly people with urinary incontinence due to a decrease in the tone of the bladder sphincters.

In combination with other herbs (St. John’s wort, St. John’s wort, chamomile, etc.), the flowers of the vegetable are part of the collection for the treatment of acute and chronic glomerulonephritis.

All labium flowers generously treat bees with nectar. Yellow vegetables are no exception. The honey productivity of thickets of this plant reaches 60 kg from 1 hectare.

Herbal infusion. 1 teaspoon of raw material per 200 ml of boiling water. Insist for 10 minutes, filter. Drink warm 2-3 glasses a day in small sips.