Hare cabbage (skripun)

HARE CABBAGE (creaker, hare stonecrop)


Perennial plant up to 70 cm high. Stems densely leafy; leaves are fleshy, opposite, glabrous, with a bluish bloom; roots thickened in the form of tubers. Flowers in dense cone-paniculate inflorescences, yellowish-green or pink, in the amount of 5, 10 stamens; the fruit is a composite leaflet. Blooms in July-August.

Grows on sandy soils, in pine forests, bushes, sometimes as a weed in the fields.

In folk medicine, the herb of the plant, collected during flowering, fresh leaves, roots (tubers) is used.

Tincture of grass on vodka is drunk with pulmonary tuberculosis; raw grass or water decoction is used as a diuretic; crushed fresh leaves are applied to cuts, all kinds of wounds, hemorrhoidal bumps, it is indicated that the herb works better than hemlock in cancer.