lure high – lure high

Zamaniha temple (Oplopanax elatus); high oplopanax, high echinopanax; lure high


Deciduous prickly bush of the homeland of Araliev, zavvishki 0.5 – 1/3 / m. The stems are straight, slightly splayed, covered with barren spines. Leaves chergovі, dovgochereshkovі, large, 5-7-lo-patevі, along the edge – two-toothed and prickly, placed on river pagons; on vegetative pagons їx 1-4 each, on generative ones – 5 each. Flowers are dribnі, dvostatevі, green, in small simple umbrellas, which make kites-like or volute-like flowers. Plid is a fleshy yellow-red syncarp syncarp. The color of the chervni is linden.


Width. The temptation of the temple grows wildly in the mountain forests on the Far Skhod. On the territory of Ukraine they trapleyaetsya in botanical gardens, on plots with a few gardeners-amateurs.

Procurement and saving . For the preparation of vicarious liquors, rhizome with roots (Rhizoma cum radicibus Echinopanasis) is harvested in autumn, after fruiting. Vikopani rhizomes are crushed in the ground, miyut near cold water, cut into pieces of 35 cm each (then cut rhizomes more and more), move them on the floor and dry at the place where they are well ventilated. Save at room temperature in a room protected from a sony room. Lines of appurtenance – 3 years. Sirovina vikoristovuetsya plants for the preparation of tinctures, pharmacies are not allowed.

Chemical warehouse . Rhizomes and roots of sprouting against ethereal oliya (1.8%), triterpene glycosides, alkaloid aralin, phenolic compounds and mineral speech.

Pharmacological power and victory. During the experimental cultivation of the tincture of the root of the lure, it was installed as a wildly stimulating product, as it appeared in the increased level of behavioral reactions, rukhovoj activity and reflex irritability. It was revealed and commemorated the awakening day on the background of the introduction of hypnotic doses of barbiturates. Cream tinctures, vyvchali and okremi її components – glycosides and ethereal oliya. It has been established that the offensive components showed an exciting effect, moreover, in the ethereal oil, the effect was warned both in case of a sublingual and inhalation administration. On the basis of tsikh doslіdzhen you can vvazhat, scho zbudzhuyucha tonіzuyucha diya tinctures zumovlen entire complex of speeches roslini. Tincture of temptation affects sechoginna diyu, wakes up the breath, strengthens the strength of the heart, improves the rhythm, normalizes the blood pressure, promotes the body’s fire to viruses and microbes, to the unacceptable minds of the ovnіshny middle ground (knocking the atmospheric pressure, the temperature povitrya thinly). Indications for recognition of tinctures from the root of the temptation are depressive and asthenic states, rozumova and physical relapse, heart failure, hypotension, state of insufficiency in people and climacteric neurosis in women and mild forms of circulatory diabetes. When tinctures are used, headaches change in ailments, pain in the heart, there are unacceptable sensations in various parts of the body, including belligerence, sleep improves, it feels like goodness, and practice is restored. The tincture does not cause adverse side effects. rozumova and physical rupture, heart failure, hypotension, powerlessness state in men and climacteric neurosis in women and mild form of circulatory diabetes. When tinctures are used, headaches change in ailments, pain in the heart, there are unacceptable sensations in various parts of the body, including belligerence, sleep improves, it feels like goodness, and practice is restored. The tincture does not cause adverse side effects. rozumova and physical rupture, heart failure, hypotension, powerlessness state in men and climacteric neurosis in women and mild form of circulatory diabetes. When tinctures are used, headaches change in ailments, pain in the heart, there are unacceptable sensations in various parts of the body, including belligerence, sleep improves, it feels like goodness, and practice is restored. The tincture does not cause adverse side effects. practice is being restored. The tincture does not cause adverse side effects. practice is being restored. The tincture does not cause adverse side effects.

Medical forms and zastosuvannya . Internally – a tincture of temptation on 40% alcohol at a ratio of 1: 5 (Tinctura Echinopanacis) is administered 30-40 drops 2-3 times a day until 25-30 decibels as a tonic zasib.