A spiny semi-shrub of the Labialaceae family. Stems are numerous, 20-60 cm tall, straight or ascending, branched, woody at the base, four-sided and densely covered with rough hairs in the upper, grassy part. The leaves are opposite, broadly ovate, wedge-shaped at the base, 3-5-parted. The flowers are sessile, pale pink or white with two brown veins, gathered at the top of the stem in a spike-shaped inflorescence. The fruit is a nut. Blooms from May to September.
Distribution . It occurs in Central Asia (Uzbekistan and Tajikistan) on foothill plains and lowlands of the foothills, clayey and stony slopes, along dry riverbeds.
Procurement and storage . For the manufacture of medicines, flowers and leaves are used, which are harvested during the flowering of the plant, cutting off its entire above-ground part at a height of 5 cm from the root neck. The collected raw materials are laid out in a thin layer in the shade or in a well-ventilated room and dried for 5-6 days, after which they are threshed so that the flowers and leaves fall off, and the stems are thrown away. Store in a dry place. Pharmacies do not release raw materials.
Chemical composition . The raw material contains lagochilin (diterpene alcohol), tannins (11-14%), essential oil (0.03%), organic acids, carotene (7-10 mg%), ascorbic acid (77-100 mg%), vitamin K , resins and sugars and a large set (about 20) of trace elements, including cobalt, strontium, titanium, gold and others.
Pharmacological properties and use. The drugs have an effective hemostatic, pain-relieving and anticonvulsant effect. By expanding blood vessels, they lower blood pressure, and due to the increase in total and free acidity, they increase the digestive capacity of the stomach. The mechanism of hemostatic action of the plant is based on the process of accelerating blood coagulation and reducing the permeability of vascular walls. Preparations of harelip are used for pulmonary, nasal, hemorrhoidal, uterine and traumatic bleeding, to prevent bleeding during surgical operations. In addition, their use is effective in functional diseases of the central nervous system, in hypertension, allergic skin diseases, in glaucoma and peptic ulcer disease of the stomach and duodenum. Long-term use of 3aitsegub intoxicating increases blood clotting, causes diarrhea, accelerates the pulse and increases the heartbeat. In case of increased blood coagulation (infarcts, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis), you cannot use the products of the hare’s lip.
Medicinal forms and applications.
Internally – infusion of flowers and leaves (1 tablespoon of raw materials per glass of boiling water, infuse for 4-6 hours), adults drink 1 tablespoon 3-6 times a day;
tincture of flowers and leaves (prepared in 70° alcohol in a ratio of 1:10) 1 teaspoon each in a quarter glass of water, 3-5 times a day;
tablets (Tabulettae extracti Lagochili) containing 0.2 g of dry plant extract are prescribed 1 pc. 3-4 times a day as a hemostatic and sedative agent.
Externally – gauze napkins moistened in the infusion are applied for 2-5 minutes. to bleeding wounds.