Zaytsegub intoxicating – lagohіlus p’yankiy (growing and cultivating)

Intoxicating hareslip (Lagochilus p’yanky) Lagochilus inebrians Rg 1 .



Synonym: intoxicating lagohilus.


Description . A perennial herbaceous plant from the labiate family (Labiatae), 2550 cm high, with numerous stems woody at the base. Rhizome many-headed, short, turning into taproot. The leaves are petiolate, opposite, three-five-parted or lobed, slightly leathery. The flowers are pale pink or white, borne 46 in opposite semi-whorls with pointed bracts and spiny calyces. Nut fruits. Blooms in June September; seeds ripen in July-September.


Medicinal raw materials : flowers and leaves.


Habitat. Grows in foothill semi-desert plains, on rubble slopes, removals of temporary streams and on pebbles, in sagebrush groups.


Spreading. The plant is endemic and is found only in southern Uzbekistan and northern Tajikistan.




Measures are being taken to introduce it into culture, since the need for it is great.


Composition of active substances. The main active substance of the harelip is the tetrahydric alcohol lagochilin; it contains essential oil, tannins, organic acids, calcium and iron salts, as well as vitamins C and K.


Application.The basis of the action of products from the zaytselip is their ability to increase blood clotting and reduce the permeability of the walls of blood vessels. Zaytsegub is used as a hemostatic agent for traumatic, hemorrhoidal, uterine, pulmonary, nosebleeds, during surgical operations associated with large blood losses, with hemophilia, as well as a sedative and antispasmodic. Most often, 5% and 10% aqueous infusion is used (1 g of sepals per 10 or 20 g of boiling water). Adults take one teaspoon three to six times daily. With chronic bleeding and for the prevention of gynecological surgical blood loss, two tablespoons of infusion three five times every day. For the treatment of hemorrhagic diathesis, large doses are recommended (half a glass of infusion three times a day).


An infusion of hareslips is used and externally moistened gauze napkins are applied for 25 minutes on bleeding wounds (Turova, 1967).


Homemade infusion is prepared from three tablespoons of zaytselip sepals in a glass of boiling water. Insist for 68 hours.


collection . Due to the long flowering period, the plant is harvested throughout the summer from May to October. Peduncles and non-lignified young, leaf-bearing shoots are cut with sickles.


Drying. The collected raw materials are dried under awnings, in well-ventilated rooms or in dryers. The dried stems are shaken off, the flowers and leaves that have fallen from them are collected, and the bare stems are thrown away.


Pack . Packed in six-layer paper bags lined with fabric.


Storage. Store in a dry, well-ventilated area on racks in a packaged form.


quality requirements. The finished raw material should consist of a mixture of dried sepals, whole or crushed green or yellow leaves with a faint aroma, bitter in taste. In accordance with MRTU-42 No. 70262, it is allowed: moisture 13%; other parts of the harelip 3; crushed parts passing through a sieve with a hole diameter of 1 mm, 2; ash total And; impurity organic and mineral on 1%.