Zaytsegub intoxicating – zaytsegub p’yanky (veterinary practice)

text-align: center; “> Intoxicating hareslip – lagochilus inebrians bunge


Botanical characteristic. Family Lamiaceae. Perennial herbaceous gray-green plant. The rhizome is shortened, many-headed, turning into a taproot. The stems are tetrahedral, densely and long-haired, strongly branched, 20-60 cm high. The leaves are opposite, petiolate, slightly leathery, 3-5-parted, with serrated lobes. Flowers numerous pale pink. Blooms in June – September (Fig. 22).

Spreading. endemic plant. It is found in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Altai. It grows in the foothills of semi-desert plains, on gravel slopes, gravel, pastures, along temporary streams.


Medicinal raw materials. Use the flowers and leaves of the plant, which are harvested during the flowering period. They are dried in the open air in the shade on tarpaulins or clean clay platforms of currents, and then threshed with sticks.

Chemical composition. The leaves of the plant contain lagocholine (tetrahydric alcohol), essential oil (0.03%), tannins (11-14%), organic acids, carotene, ascorbic acid, vitamin K, calcium salts.

pharmacological properties. Plant preparations have a pronounced hemostatic effect and reduce the permeability of the vascular wall. They increase the coagulation ability and inhibit the fibrinolytic activity of the blood. Water extracts have a calming effect on the central nervous system, enhancing the processes of inhibition in the cerebral cortex, have an anticonvulsant effect after the introduction of strychnine, caffeine and other stimulants, lower blood pressure, stimulate the contractility of the smooth muscles of the uterus, stomach and intestines.

Application. Water infusion and alcohol tincture of the plant are widely used for all kinds of bleeding with a normal or low content of prothrombin in the blood. They are recommended for pulmonary, nasal, uterine, traumatic bleeding, bleeding in the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, before operations, to reduce bleeding. A 10% aqueous infusion of the hareslip is used externally for bleeding in the nasal cavity, wounds, and abrasions. To do this, gauze wipes are applied to the wound plane, abundantly moistened with the product. Lagohilus infusion is prepared from 10 g of leaves per glass of water. As a hemostatic agent for calves, the infusion is prescribed approximately 15-20 ml 3-5 times every day.

A tincture of flowers and leaves is prepared in 65% ethyl alcohol. Calves are recommended 10-15 drops several times every day before feeding.