Name: Zhovtyanitsa chergovolista – spleenwort
Chrysosplenium alternifolium (Chrysosplenium alternifolium); spleenochnik ochernolistnyi
Perennial herbaceous pale green sparsely hairy plant of the family of scotland. The stem is juicy, ridged, 5-15 cm high. The leaves are round-kidney-shaped, toothed; basal – long-petioled, in a rosette; stem – regular, short-petioled. The flowers are regular, very small, form apical inflorescences in the form of a flat half-umbrella, surrounded by yellowish-green apical leaves, which play the role of petals. The fruit is a one-nest capsule. Blooms in April – May.
Spread. It grows in deciduous forests, in wet places, near ditches, along the banks of streams and swamps in forest and forest-steppe areas.
Raw. They use grass collected during the flowering of the plant.
The plant is unofficial.
The chemical composition has not yet been studied.
Pharmacological properties and use . Internally, the herb Zhovtianytsia alternatefolia is used for coughs, bladder diseases (in particular, urinary retention), jaundice, and as an astringent. As an external remedy, herbal infusion is used for bleeding and for healing wounds and ulcers.
Medicinal forms and applications .
Internally – herbal infusion (1 teaspoon of raw material per 1 glass of boiling water) for a quarter of a glass three times a day.
Externally – herbal infusion for washing and lotions.