The yolk is multi-flowered – the buttercup is multi-flowered

Name: Multi-flowered buttercup – multi-flowered buttercup

Zhovtets rich-flowered ( Ranunculus polyanthemos); ranunculus multiflorum


Perennial herbaceous sparsely pubescent plant of the family of sedumaceae. The stem is erect, branched, 25-80 cm tall. The leaves are round-heart-shaped, pinnately dissected, with segments deeply dissected into linear-lanceolate or lanceolate, in the upper part toothed lobes; basal ones — on long petioles, upper stem ones — sessile. The flowers are bisexual, single, at the ends of the branches, with broadly inverted-ovate, toothed yellow petals at the top. The fruit is an achene. Blooms in June – August.

Spread. It grows on meadows, grassy slopes, forest edges and in bushes throughout the territory of Ukraine.

Raw material . Herbs collected during the flowering of the plant are used to make medicines.

The plant is unofficial .

Chemical composition . The herb contains organic acids, alkaloids, coumarins (umbelliferone and scopoletin), flavonoids, the poisonous volatile substance protoanemonin, ascorbic acid (170 mg %) and carotene (12 mg %). fruits—fatty oil (14.1%).

Pharmacological properties and use . The plant has antimicrobial properties. In folk medicine, an aqueous infusion of fresh grass is used internally as a tonic, pain reliever, and laxative for jaundice and hernia. Externally , fresh grass is used for neuralgic pains, rheumatism and gout, for the treatment of wounds and boils.