Zhivokist shorstky – rough comfrey

Zhivokist shorty (Symphytum asperum); comfrey rough


Bagatorіchna herbaceous densely covered with stubby bristles roslin of the homeland of short-leaved. Stem galusiste, 30-100 cm whorls. Leaves are black, species are ovoid or dovgasto-oval, sharpened; prikorenevі – dovgochereshkovі; stalks – sessile, climbing. The vouchers are correct, two-state, with not rich frills; vinochok is dvunikovidny, on the ear is erysipelas-purple, then – blue. Plid – from 4 gorishkiv. Flowers in herbs – chervni.

Width. Roslin is listed. Traplyatsya in Lysostepu (Kiev and Poltava region).

Procurement and saving . For the preparation of vicarious liquors, grow roots (Radix Symphyti). They pick them up in the autumn, clean them well from the ground, cut them into pieces of 15-20 cm and pass away. After removing the ear-shaped parts of the roots, they split the bridle, rinse it again with water and dry it on the open air, on the mountain or in the dryer at a temperature of 30-40 °. With povіlny dry roots in the middle of the burіyut and become unsuitable to vzhivannya. Dry syrovin comes out 18%. Lines of appurtenance – 3 years.

Roslin is unofficial .

Chemical warehouse . 0.2-0.8% alkaloids (lasiocarpine, cynoglosin, allantoin), digalic acid, tannic mucous membranes of the vernacular, asparagine (1-3%), choline, starch, zucri, ethereal olium, non-grafting glycoside and other speeches.

Pharmacological power and victory. The main intoxicating speeches of the larkspur root are shorst є allantoin, mucous tannins of the speech. The stench is soothing, enveloping and such that it stimulates the proliferation of clitin by injecting it into the body. Є vіdomostі about antipuhlinnu activity of growth. In the past, official medicine won the short zhivokist in mucosal-intestinal disorders, and it helped to relieve coughing. In Narodnoy Medical, Vikoristovoye is growing at a turning point of the I, Virazi Gomіki, with the smallest processes of the slap of the guts, Virazkovy Herlinka Slunka, the twin -rods, Tuburkuliosi Legend, Kashli, Trivkiy, for Polishnnya Rivchin. virazakh i abscesses. Zovnіshno roslina vikoristovyut in all fluctuations, if you need to speed up the zagojnnya: with stomatitis,

Medical forms and zastosuvannya .

Internally – root extract (10 g of syrovin per 200 ml of okrop) on a dessert spoon through the skin for 2 years;

nasty root (2 teaspoons of syro wine insist 8 years in 300 ml of cold boiled water, pour out the obsession with nastya, suddenly pour 200 ml of okrop into the syrovina, after 10 quilins, process and reduce offending portions) 500 ml per day, in squash;

root tincture (1 part of syrovini to 5 parts of 40% alcohol) 20-40 drops 4-5 times a day;

two tablespoons of sumish larkspur root, peppermint leaves (50 g each), licorice root, valeriana liquorice, horsetail herb and melissa likarskoy leaf (25 g each) yut on pіvsklyanki 4 times a day with virazzi dvenadtsyatipalї intestines;

two tablespoons of sumish root of larkspur and wild chicory, herb St. John’s wort, horsetail, medicinal capes and I argue splendid, great plantain leaf (40 g each) boil in 500 ml of water 5 khvilin, process and drink 4 drops of water day when the slut is removed.

Zovnishnyo – nasty root (10 g of syrovin per 200 ml of dill, boil 10 khvilin, cool, protsidzhuyut) for rinsing, washing, lotion and douching;

fresh sik or ointment from the root (fresh potovcheniya korіn zmishyuyut z rozіgіtim pig fat in the equal parts) for ointment of the wounded woodshkiri.

For the destruction of growth, there are two protracted thoughts .