Yellow jaundice gray – mzhovtushnik siruvatiy (growing and cultivating)

Jaundice gray (zhovtushnik siruvatiy) Erysimum canescens Roth .



Synonyms: grayish jaundice (Ukrainian girchak, zhovtushnik syriy).


Description. A biennial herbaceous plant from the cruciferous family (Cruciferae), 3080 cm high, pubescent with short grayish-green hairs. The root is small, pivotal. Stem erect, solitary, branched. Rosette leaves are oblong, finely toothed, narrowed into a petiole. Stem leaves sessile, alternate, linear-oblong, entire. The flowers are small, yellow, regular, collected in an upright loose brush 1525 cm long. It blooms in May-August. The fruit is a pod deviating from the stem, 7 mm long, tetrahedral, thin, grayish-whitish from adpressed hairs, the seeds are small, oblong, yellowish-brown. The weight of 1000 seeds is 0.250.3 g. It blooms in May June; seeds ripen in June July. The whole plant is poisonous.


Medicinal raw material: herb.


Habitat . Grows in the forest-steppe and steppe on dry hills, rocky slopes. In the majority of cases, it occurs


in small groups or scattered. Thickets, as a rule, do not form.


Distribution . It occurs in the steppe and forest-steppe zones of the European part of the USSR, Siberia, Central Asia, occasionally in the Krasnodar Territory.


It is introduced into culture in Ukraine, in the Krasnodar Territory.


Composition of active substances . All parts of the plant contain glycosides of cardiac action, similar to digitalis glycosides, but with less cumulative features and a shorter duration of action. At the same time, jaundice contains significantly more glycosides than foxglove, adonis and lily of the valley.


Thus, according to WILR (1967), flowers and seeds contain 26% glycosides, leaves 11.5%, stems 0.50.7%, roots 0.2%. The main and most studied of them is eryzimin and its aglucone eryzimidine. At the same time, erizimin is characterized by a biological activity equal to 48 00060 600 ICE, and is very similar in action to strophanthin.


Application.Clinical and pharmacological studies in the USSR have established the very importance of jaundice as a heart remedy. The glycosides derived from it are superior in biological activity to digitalis glycosides. Tests of the products of jaundice erizimin and erizid, conducted in a number of medical institutes (Moscow, Ryazan, Tomsk, Donetsk), have established their positive effect in the treatment of circulatory failure. Cardiovalen has found wide application, one of the components of which is fresh juice from jaundice. Currently, the jaundice products erizimin and erizid are available in ampoules, and erizimon is in tablets and is used as a heart remedy. Jaundice is also of great importance as a substitute for imported strophanthin. Jaundice is not only not inferior to the latter, but also has an advantage over it, because it acts more quickly and is quickly excreted from the heart muscle. Jaundice preparations do not accumulate in the body. However, due to their high biological activity, their appointment requires caution.


Agricultural technology of cultivation . Site selection. Chernozem, light sandy loamy, loamy and other non-floating and non-crusting soils should be allocated for jaundice. The best predecessors are clean or busy fallows, also winter crops running on fertilized fallows.


Soil tillage . In autumn, the main plowing is recommended to be carried out soon after harvesting crops that leave the field early.


In early spring, harrowing closes the moisture in the soil, and with a strong compaction of the field, cultivation is carried out with subsequent harrowing.


Application of fertilizers. Jaundice is very sensitive to fertilizers. It gives especially high yields of grass with the joint application of mineral fertilizer and manure with the addition of 1520 t/ha of lime on acidic soils. At the same time, the yield almost doubles (VILR, 1967).


Reproduction. Jaundice is propagated by direct sowing of seeds into the soil. It can be sown in three periods: in early spring, in summer (around August) and before winter. However, early spring sowing gives the best results. The sowing method is ordinary with row spacing of 4560 cm; seeding depth is 12 cm, and the seeding rate


Drying. The cut grass is preliminarily dried in small piles, and then transported for drying to a covered current or to a dryer with a temperature of 4060 ° C. It can also be dried under an iron roof with good ventilation.


Pack. Grass is packed in bags or bales (using a press) of 2060 kg.


Storage. Store commercial raw materials in a dry, shaded area with good ventilation.


quality requirements . According to GOST 389347, dried jaundice herb must have a whitish-grayish color and a very bitter taste. Allowed: moisture 14%; grass that has lost its normal color, 3; fruits 5; fine particles 2; parts of other plants 1; mineral impurities 1%.