Eucalyptus globulus Labi ll
Myrtle family – Myrtaceae
What does it look like? A tall tree, up to 150 m. The leaves are lanceolate, bluish-green, covered with a thick waxy layer and therefore look silvery-white. They are rich in volatile oil, which includes cineole, camphene, fenchen, terpineol, a few sesquiterpenes and tannins and phytoncides. The flowers are large, with many stamens and a green calyx. Blooms in summer. Widely cultivated in the Caucasus.
Where does it grow? Cultivated on the Southern coast of Crimea.
What and when are collected? In autumn and winter, leaves are collected, which have acquired a narrow lanceolate shape and become sickle-shaped.
When is it used? As an expectorant, antiseptic, phytoncide, painkiller, antimalarial, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anthelmintic; with purulent bronchitis, bronchial asthma, influenza, scarlet fever (hot infusion of 5 g of leaves per 1 cup of boiling water), hypertension. The phytoncides contained in the oil are more effective than penicillin, streptomycin, aureomycin, and phenol. For internal use, prepare a decoction of 20 g of leaves per 200 ml of water, drink 1 tablespoon three times a day.
For rinsing the mouth and throat, washing wounds, douching, wetting tampons, take 1 cup of a decoction of 30 g of spherical eucalyptus in 200 ml of water per half liter of water. Pure decoction is used for inhalation.
Eucalyptus oil dissolved in sunflower oil (2:100) is used to lubricate the nasal passages during flu; camphor oil mixed with turpentine, camphor alcohol is rubbed on painful places with neuralgia, lumbago, rheumatism.
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