Name: gorse dyeing – drіk dyeing (veterinary practice)
Gorse dyeing – genista tinctoria l.
Popular names: yellow paint, greenfinch, dill.
Botanical characteristic. Bean family. A low shrub (1.5 cm) with a strong woody rhizome, from which erect, rod-like, slightly ribbed stems extend. Leaves on short petioles, small, entire. The flowers are yellow, collected at the ends of the branches in dense brushes. Blooms in June – July.
Spreading. It grows on sandy and calcareous slopes, in pine forests, along the edges of dry forests in the steppe and forest-steppe zones of the European part of the USSR, in Western Siberia, in the Urals.
Medicinal raw materials. Collect grass (tops of stems with leaves and flowers) of plants during the flowering period and dry in the usual way.
Chemical composition. The plant contains essential oil, alkaloids (cytisine, etc.), the flowers contain yellow pigments that give a yellow color.
pharmacological properties. The infusion of the herb has vasoconstrictive properties, excites respiration, and stimulates the function of the thyroid gland. The plant is poisonous!
Application. Infusion and decoctions of gorse are recommended for liver diseases, all types of jaundice, as a laxative, diuretic, for all kinds of skin diseases, chronic bronchitis. Approximate dose: for large animals 15-20 g.