Dryopteris Chartres – Chartres shield

Name: Drіopteris chartres – Chartres shield

Dryopteris of Chartres (Dryopteris carthusiana); spiny dryopteris; chartreuse shield


Perennial herbaceous spore-bearing plant of the scutellum family, 60-90 cm tall. It has a thick slanting rhizome. The leaves are light green, glabrous, twice pinnate, erect; petioles are covered with single-colored light yellow films; 1—2 pairs of lower lobes of the first order are distant from the others, as a rule, they do not bear sori; the teeth of the lobes of the second order are sharp and turn into a thin point. Sori are rounded, arranged in rows, covered with round-kidney-shaped glabrous or glandular integuments. Spawns in July – August.

Distribution . It grows in forests, on shrubs throughout the territory of Ukraine (rarely in the Steppe and Crimea),

Procurement and storage . They use rhizomes (Rhizoma Dryopteris filicis-maris), which are dug in early spring or autumn, they are shaken off the ground, cleaned of roots, scales, dry petioles and dead tissues (healthy tissues have a greenish color), without washing they are cut lengthwise and crosswise into several parts and dried in the attic, in a room that is well ventilated, or in a dryer at a temperature not higher than 40°. 30-33% of dry raw material is obtained. The shelf life is no more than 1 year.

Chemical composition . The rhizome contains derivatives of phloroglucin, filixonic and flavaspid acids, filmaron, albaspidin, aspidinol, tannins and bitter substances, flavonoids, starch and essential oil.

Pharmacological properties and use . In traditional medicine, the plant is also used as an external remedy for joint diseases, neuralgia, varicose dermatitis, leg ulcers, and for wound healing.

Medicinal forms and applications .

3 ready-made pharmacy products use Dryopteris of Chartres extract (Extractum Filicis maris spissum) and Filixanum (Filixanum). At home, take 5 ml of decoction (10 g of rhizome per 200 ml of boiling water, evaporate to half), mix with honey and divide into 10 pills, which are kneaded into flour (taken, like pharmaceutical products, under the supervision of a doctor and after special preparation of the patient !).

For external use, a tincture is prepared (1 part of the crushed rhizome is poured with 4 parts of alcohol or strong vodka for 14 days), which is rubbed into painful places several times a day, and a decoction (1 kg of rhizomes is boiled in 5 liters of water for 2 hours) for baths, which are taken for varicose dermatitis and leg ulcers (1 liter of decoction is needed for one bath; the course of treatment is 30 baths, the duration of the procedure is 30 minutes).

Consumption of Dryopteris Chartres products is contraindicated in heart failure, liver and kidney diseases, gastric and duodenal ulcers, acute gastrointestinal and febrile diseases, pregnancy, severe exhaustion, anemia and tuberculosis, and children under 2 years of age.

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