Name: Divina pregarna – magnificent mullein
Divina pregarna (Verbascum speciosum); mullein magnificent
Two- or one-sided grassy short-haired roslin of the homeland of the Rannikovs. The stem is erect, kutaste, rozgaluzhen, 60-120 cm whorls. Leaflets of vidzhenі, tsіlokraї, on kіtsyah progressively sound; stalks – with heart-shaped stems. The tickets are two-stated, incorrect, yellow, selected in a pyramidal arrangement of the flower. Plid – a box. The color of the chervni is linden.
Width. Growth on rocky places and humps near the basin of the Dniester river.
Procurement and saving . For the preparation of liquor vodkas (Flores Verbasci). They take less wine with chicks, whisking them out of the calyx. I’ll prepare to spend in the sleepy weather after the fall of dew and bazhano, in the first half of the day, but the ticket stays only one day. The navechir vіnochok v’yane and becomes inapplicable to victoria. Dry the tickets immediately after picking them up in the shade on a free wind, on the mountain or in a warm place with good ventilation, laying them out in a thin ball on the fabric or paper. Dry syrovini comes out 16-18%. Stored in metal boxes or in glassware with ground cork. Lines of appurtenance – 1 rec. Previously, roslin was included in the warehouse of the Sovereign Pharmacopoeia of the SRSR.
Chemical warehouse . Syrovina to mucus up to 2.5%, saponins, gum, close to 11% tsukriv (incl. 3.5% glucose), iridoid glycoside aukubin, flavonoid hesperidin, carotenoids (a-crocetin and β-carotene), tannins , ascorbic acid and trace essential oil.
Pharmacological power and victory. Preparations of Divini pregarno ї vyyavlyayut help’yakshuvalnu, vіdharkuvalnu, protispazmatichnu and easy narcotic diyu. The stench of tamuyut bіl, zmenshuyut sudomu, fabric ripples. Divina is a pregarden, like an enveloping, pain-relieving and expiratory zasib, to enter the pharmacopoeias of the rich country world. Окремо або в поєднанні з подібними за дією рослинами Дивину прегарну використовують при запаленнях слизових оболонок верхніх дихальних шляхів, кашлі, коклюші, бронхіті, бронхіальній астмі, емфіземі й запаленні легень, кровохарканні, при захворюваннях травного каналу, печінки та селезінки, у випадках патологічного схуднення або nervous exuberance. Miscevo vikoristovuyut: tincture of flowers – for rubbing with neuralgia and pain in the swamps; flower powder – for sticky cracks, saddens and wounds, frontally smeared with carrot juice; poultices of flowers at once on the leaves – to wounds, ignition pits and opikiv; sitz baths with flowers or roots – with pinched hemorrhoids. Flowers of Divini Pregarny enter the warehouse of breast teas.
Medical forms and zastosuvannya .
Internally – fresh flowers (1 tablespoon of flowers for 200 ml of okrop ) 1 tablespoon through the skin for 3 years as a help to help and exhalation;
15 g of the sum of the sum of taken in equal quantities the flowers of Divini pregarno and the root of the marshmallow, boiled in 200 ml of water for 15-20 min. when coughing;
sum of 1 tablespoon of flowers of Divini Pregarny and 1 teaspoon of flowers of medicinal capes and chamomile, boil in 1 glass of water for 5 min. a spoonful of three for a day in case of emaciation or nervous exhaustion;
one teaspoon of the sum of the taken in equal quantities Divini pregarny flowers of fox rolls, flowers of cumin and flowers of altea likarskaya are poured with 1 bottle of okrop, boiled for 5 minutes. i drink 1-2 bottles a day for coughing in adults;
one tablespoon of the sum of the sum of the taken in equal parts Divini pregarny flowers, the flowers of the fox rolls, the flowers of the black elderberry, the flowers of the heart-shaped lime and dried raspberry berries are poured into a thermos with 2 flasks of okrop, soaked in fresh water and sipped hot for nothing like sweating.
Zovnіshnyo – chotiri zhmenі votok or podrobnenogo root Divini pregarnoi brewed with 5 liters of okrop, infuse until chilled and hold the infusion of vicorist for a sedentary 15-quill cold bath with pinched hemorrhoids, repeating the procedure after 2 days.