Pannonian tree – pannonian yarrow

Name: Pannonian tree – pannonian yarrow

Tree Pannonian (Achillea pannonica); yarrow pannonian


Bagatorichna herbaceous hairy-powsty (especially in the young age) growth of the homeland of the aistrovs (folded flowers). The stems are erect, simple, 30-80 cm folded, often trochic-purple. Leaflets are linear-lanceolate, trichiperistorossic, leaflets are close together; the lower leaves are petiolate, reshta – sessile, at the base – with ears. Terminal parts of leaves are lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, up to 0.5-0.6 mm of apex. Tickets are selected in dribni koshiki, which are made up of sparse shields; marginal flowers of mother, tongue, white, yellow or rozhevuvat, middle – tubular, double. Plid is a Simyanka. The color of the chervni is linden.

Width. Growth in the open places, schilas and galyavins throughout the territory of Ukraine, the Crimea of ​​the Hirsky Crimea.

Procurement and saving . For the preparation of vicarious herbs (Herba Millefolii) and flowers (Flores Millefolii). Harvesting is carried out from the cob to the middle of the bloom of the growth. The tops of the stems of the plant are sown 15 cm, and the leaves are shaved on the lower, rough part of the stem. Harvesting tickets, zrіzuyut only flowers with flowers so that the length of flower-carriers does not exceed 4 cm. Dry syrovini comes out 30-33%. Lines of appurtenance – 5 years. Sirovina is admitted by pharmacies.

Chemical warehouse . Grass revenge on efirna oliya (up to 0.8%), flavonoids (luteolin-7-glucoside, rutin), sesquitolerance (matrixine, milefolid, balkhanolide), tannins and herbs of speech, akhilein, vitamin K, organic acids (octova, murashina, novaizova ) and other speeches. The warehouse of ethereal oil includes proazulene, a- and B-pinenes, camphor, borneol, thujone, cineole, cariophyllene thinly.

Pharmacological power and victory. The complex of chemical speeches, which is found in roslin, provides rich therapeutic power. Nasampered, galenic products of the Pannonian Tree show effective blood spinal degeneration and vicorista in legenevyh, intestinal, hemorrhoidal and nasal bleeding, in bleeding from clear and wounds, as well as in uterine bleeding (with inflammatory processes, fibromyomas, supramental bleeds). Vykoristovuyuchi Tree pannonsky yak bloodspin zasib, sled to give priority to products from the leaves, more flowers of growth do not show such a thing. The order of the products of the Trees of the Pannonsky is tender to Zakinchennya Smakovikh nervous il, the secretory of the active shlunka, the rodshaw of the zhivni ducts of the zhovidiylennya in the twelnatytipal, the spastic byteta, the spasm of the gut hypoacid gastritis, virazkovy ailment of the bowel and duodenal intestine, virazkovy spastic colitis, flatulence, with liver ailments, nirok and sich mihur. При зовнішньому використанні як кровоспинного, протизапального, бактерицидного та дерматонічного засобу продукти деревію паннонського дають ефект при гніздовому облисінні (Alopecia areata), надмірній жирності шкіри, вуграх, геморої й герпесі, сприяють загоюванню свіжих і нагноєних ран, виразок, фурункулів і лускатого лишаю, стимулюють rіst hairy. In folk medicine, the vicorist trees are wider. Krіm usіh vyschezaznachennykh vpadkіv, yogo live in the middle as zasіb, scho regulates the exchange of speech, with constipation, nudoty, headache, sleeplessness, hysteria, chlorosis (blood germ), malaria and tuberculosis leg, with carry-overs, nirkovokamіnіyаnіy , nіchnyh polyutsіyakh and bіlyakh, for regulation of menstruation and stimulation of milk production in mothers-year-olds and as a protiglisny zasіb. Rarely zastosovuyut grass on a tree independently. Often її vicorist at sumishi with other medicinal roslins. A noble tree to enter the warehouse of carrying tea, anti-hemorrhoid tea, appetizing teas and shlunk teas. Before the storage of a juicy-prophylactic grub diet, it is important to include salads prepared with a small amount of young leaves of the Pannonian tree. A trace of memory that the transcendental experience of yoga caused confusion and hanging on the shkir. Often її vicorist at sumishi with other medicinal roslins. A noble tree to enter the warehouse of carrying tea, anti-hemorrhoid tea, appetizing teas and shlunk teas. Before the storage of a juicy-prophylactic grub diet, it is important to include salads prepared with a small amount of young leaves of the Pannonian tree. A trace of memory that the transcendental experience of yoga caused confusion and hanging on the shkir. Often її vicorist at sumishi with other medicinal roslins. A noble tree to enter the warehouse of carrying tea, anti-hemorrhoid tea, appetizing teas and shlunk teas. Before the storage of a juicy-prophylactic grub diet, it is important to include salads prepared with a small amount of young leaves of the Pannonian tree. A trace of memory that the transcendental experience of yoga caused confusion and hanging on the shkir.

Medicinal forms and zastosuvannya

Internally – infusion of herbs (15 g, or 2 tablespoons of syrovin per 200 ml of okrop) drink warm half – third bottles 2-3 times a day for gastritis, ailments, and as a blood-spinal disease;

rare tree extract (Extractum Millefolii fluidum) take 40-50 droplets 3 times a day;

fresh herb juice, salted with honey, live 1 teaspoon three times a day to stimulate appetite, reduce the exchange of speech, with hepatocholecystitis and gynecological ailments (metrorrhagia);

tincture of herbs (30 g of syrovin per 100 g of horn, insist 7 days) 20 drops 3 times a day before meals for dysmenorrhea, angina pectoris, intestinal spasms;

sum 0.15 g of Pannonian leaf powder and 0.15 g of spongy leaf powder are taken before meals three times a day as a blood-spinning and anti-spasm zasib;

two tablespoons of sumish herbs of the noble tree, the wild beast, the small centaury, the medicinal rutka, the herbs and the root of the chicory and the leaves of the great plantain, taken in equal measure, boil 10 khvilin in 2 bottles of water, insist on drinking three times a day for 5 years to їdi stretching 1-2 months with hypoacid gastritis;

two tablespoons of sumish herbs of the Pannonian tree, rhizomes of the arborvitae reed, drooping birch brunets and leaves of the martyr spicy in spivvіdnoshennі 2:1:1:2 boil 5-7 khvilin in 500 ml of water, insist on five years and drink it for a long time during the day mikhura;

lettuce: young leaves of the Pannonian tree are streaked with 1 whilina in sprinkling, trimmed, mixed with cabbage and cibulia prepared for salad, salted and seasoned with olive oil (for 150 g of sauerkraut, take 25 g of green cybuli, 5 g of leafy wood, 10 ).

Zovnishno – infusion of herbs (2 tablespoons of syrovin per 500 ml of okrop, infuse for one year) for washing, lotion, compresses (with bumps, for treating wounds, boils and furuncles), massage baths (with hemorrhoids, lichen scabies) and for rub (1 time per day to stimulate hair growth);

nastіy kvіtkovykh koshikіv (3 teaspoons of syrovin per 200 ml of okrop, infuse 30 khvilin, process, cool) for compresses with supra-world fat content of shkіri dressing; three teaspoons of the sum of flower koshikiv in the Pannonian tree, tricolor violet herbs and wild hop cones, taken in equal measure, poured with a bottle of dill, insist 30 quilin, cool, cool and sow this infusion as it is written in front;

a mask on a face with a supra-world fat content of the shkir: a mixture of flower koshikiv in a noble tree (3 teaspoons per 200 ml of okrop) is mixed with powdered milk, starch or boar and porridge is applied on a face, and after 15-20 hvilin they can and inductions of more real sum of flower flowers on the Pannonian tree, tricolor violet herbs and wild hop cones);

mix freshly grated grass of the Pannonian tree with Provence olive (at a spiving ratio of 1:10) for smudging the wounds of the vineyards (for opiums, boils and tuberculosis) and for rubbing (1 time per day with nesting oblisinnі).