Elecampane high – Oman high (veterinary practice)

Name: Elecampane high – oman high (veterinary practice)

Elecampane high – inula helenium l.


Popular names: elecampane root, elecampane, nine-strength, thistle, oman, wild sunflower, divosil.

Botanical characteristic. Compositae family. Perennial herbaceous wild plant 100-150 cm high. The rhizome is thick, fleshy, dark brown on the outside, whitish inside, long adventitious roots and several furrowed stems depart from it. The stem is straight hairy, branched above. The leaves below are velvety-felt, unevenly toothed, the upper ones are sessile, ovate-lanceolate, the lower ones are elliptical. Flowers golden yellow. Blooms in July-August (color table IV-1).

Spreading. It grows on the edges of light broad-leaved forests, in floodplains, on mountain slopes, in damp places and meadows, among bushes in the forest and forest-steppe zones of the Urals, Western Siberia, Altai, the Caucasus, the European part of the USSR and Belarus.

Medicinal raw materials. Use roots with rhizomes. They are dug in autumn or early spring, shaken off the ground, cut off and removed from the aerial part, and then washed with running cold water, cut into small pieces and dried in the shade in the open air, under a canopy, in attics or in dryers at a temperature not exceeding 40 ° FROM. Raw materials are laid out in a thin layer, often mixed, after drying they are sorted out, removing browned at the break, woody, flabby, also moldy roots.

Chemical composition. An essential oil was found in the roots of the plant, it contains allantolactone, isoalantolactone, etc., which have versatile pharmacological activity. In addition, the presence of alanthus oil, polysaccharides, bitterness, resins, up to 44% inulin, etc.

pharmacological properties. A decoction of the roots has antiseptic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, choleretic, anthelmintic and hemostatic effects. It is recommended for bronchitis with thick discharge, for coughing, for diseases of the kidneys and liver, for inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Application. Elecampane root products are prescribed as expectorants for diseases of the respiratory tract, inflammation of the gastric mucosa and intestines, as a means of reducing the inflammatory reaction, secretory-motor activity of the intestine, as a hemostatic agent, externally for the treatment of festering wounds, ulcers, eczema. Doses inside: large animals 20-30 g, small animals 5-10 g in the form of a decoction of 1:10.


Rp.: Decocti radicis Inulae 10.0—300.0 Sir. Althaeae 15.0

MDS 1/2 cup 3 times daily (expectorant).