Streaky walker (veterinary practice)

Streaky walker – sisymbrium sophi l.


Popular names: field mustard, streaky watercress, bloodweed, field rue, worm, sophia grass.

Botanical characteristic. Cruciferous family. An annual herbaceous plant 15-80 cm high, with an unpleasant odor. The stem is straight and branched. The leaves are twice or thrice pinnatisected, with auricles at the base. The whole plant has a grayish color due to short, branched hairs covering it. The flowers are small, pale yellow, collected in many-flowered racemes. Seeds are small grayish. Blossoms in May-August, fruits ripen in June-September.

Spreading. It is found in the Far East, Kamchatka, Siberia, everywhere in the European part of the USSR. Like a weed grows in winter crops, in fallow fields, along roadsides, in waste places. Extremely unpretentious and hardy.

Medicinal raw materials. Harvest the seeds of the gulyavnik. To do this, the pods are cut off or cut off with whole brushes as they ripen. Dry in the open air, then wipe, sift through a sieve and collect the seeds.

Chemical composition. The seeds contained up to 30% fatty oil, up to 1.5% synegrin glycoside. In the leaves is within 10 mg% of carotenoids.

pharmacological properties. Preparations of the seeds of the gulyavnik increase the tone of the intestines and increase its motility, which ultimately has a laxative effect. In addition, they increase cardiac activity and increase blood pressure.

Application. The industry produces a product of the walker – a liquid extract, which is used as a laxative. For small animals its Doses: 10-20 drops after feeding. In folk veterinary medicine, products from the aerial parts of plants are used – an infusion of herbs for washing festering wounds and ulcers, and crushed fresh leaves as a wound healing agent.