City gravel – geum urbanum l.
Popular names: podlesnik, porushnik, wild burdock, urban panic.
Botanical characteristic. Rosaceae family. Perennial herbaceous plant 25-70 cm high. The rhizome is thick, creeping, conical in shape, red-brown in color. Stems erect, slightly branched, pubescent with soft whitish hairs. The leaves are alternate, soft-haired. Flowers solitary at the ends of stems on long stalks. Petals are light yellow, obovate. Blooms in June – August.
Spreading. It grows on edges and clearings, among shrubs, in gardens and parks, along roads, in garbage places, in the forest zone of Western Siberia, in the Southern Urals, in the European part of the USSR, in the Caucasus, in Central Asia.
Medicinal raw materials. Harvest the rhizome with roots or the entire flowering plant. The grass is harvested at the beginning of flowering, cut off with a sickle, pruner, knife, and dried in the shade. The rhizome with roots is dug up in late autumn or spring (before the plant begins to grow) and dried. The resulting raw materials are put into boxes and stored in a dry, well-ventilated area.
Chemical composition. The plant contains an essential oil with the smell of cloves, a lot of tannins (30-40%), glycosides, starch, resinous and bitter substances, flavonoids, ascorbic acid.
pharmacological properties. Plant preparations have a versatile effect. Their expectorant, carminative, choleretic, antiemetic and sedative effects have been established. In addition, they also have a hemostatic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and wound healing effect.
Application. It is prescribed as an astringent and anti-inflammatory agent for all kinds of gastrointestinal diseases (gastric catarrhs, intestinal colic, flatulence, diarrhea), for diseases of the liver and gallbladder, all kinds of bleeding, externally for inflammatory processes in the mouth and throat. Young leaves are used as vitamin-containing raw materials. Animals decoction of the plant (1:10) is given orally as an antidiarrheal agent for enteritis, externally applied to wounds and ulcers as an anti-inflammatory and hemostatic agent. Doses inside: decoction (1:10) at one time for large animals 200-300 ml, small 40-60 ml.
Rp.: Infusi herbae Gei urbani 1:10-200.0
DS Inside 1/4 cup 2 times every day before feeding in dyspeptic disorders.