Sarepta mustard

Annual herbaceous plant 40-50 cm high. Taproot, relatively complex. Stems erect, branching, glabrous. Leaves are simple, alternate; the lower ones are lyre-pinnatipartite, rarely almost entire; stem – as they rise along the stem, they decrease, their plates become less separate, and the petioles shorten; the uppermost ones are bluish. Flowers are collected in corymbose racemes. The perianth is four-dimensional, the sepals are spaced, the corolla is golden yellow, the limb of the petals quickly tapers into a nail; stamens 6, 2 of them shorter than others; one pistil, with an upper ovary with two nests, with a short style, capitate stigma. The fruit is a linear pod, thin, with intertwining veins on the valves and a thin nose equal to 1/4 of the length of the pod. Seeds are small, spherical, black-gray, brown or pale yellow. Blooms in May

In addition to Sarepta mustard, seeds of other species are used for medicinal purposes: white mustard and black mustard. Both species are also annual cultivated plants. Black mustard differs from Sarepta in lighter petals of the corolla with a limb, suddenly tapering into a nail, which is longer than the limb, pods with a very thin, short nose, traditionally pressed against the peduncle. The seeds are somewhat smaller than those of the Sarepta, reddish-brown in color, with pitting on the plane. White mustard differs from the 2 previous species by lyre-shaped leaves, traditionally strongly pubescent pod with a flat nose, large light yellow seeds with a smooth surface.

Seeds are medicinal raw materials. Essential mustard oil is obtained from them. Fat-free cake of mustard fruits is called mustard powder.

The seeds contain glycoside-sinigrin, which, under the influence of merosin enzymes, decomposes into mustard oil, potassium sulfate and glucose. Mustard essential oil consists of allyl mustard (40%), crotonyl mustard oils and traces of carbon disulfide. The seeds contain a slowly drying fatty oil, consisting of glycerin and erucic, omic, linoleic, linolenic, lignoceric, myristic and begonic acids.

Black mustard seeds contain essential mustard oil, similar in composition to Sarepta mustard oil.

In official medicine, mustard seed powder is used. When used locally, the irritating effect of mustard powder is widely used in the form of mustard plasters, mustard baths as a distraction that causes redistribution of blood. For example, it is used for pneumonia. For a reflex effect on the function of blood circulation (with hypertensive crises, threatening stroke, angina pectoris), mustard plasters are applied to the chest, to the back of the head, calf muscles, to the heart area, etc. Mustard plasters are widely used for neuralgia, muscle pain, applying them to pain zones. When using mustard powder or mustard plasters, they should be moistened with warm water, not hot or cold. This increases their efficiency.

The criterion for the local action of mustard oil is the occurrence of a burning sensation at the site of application.

In children’s practice, in addition to mustard plasters, for colds, mustard compresses are used (1 teaspoon of mustard powder per glass of warm water). The compress is applied for 1 – 10 minutes.

The introduction of mustard with food causes irritation of the mucous membranes and increases the secretion of digestive glands.

In folk medicine, in addition to the above, mustard essential oil is produced at home; when dissolved in alcohol, mustard alcohol is obtained from it, which is also used for grinding. Flour or seeds are used for constipation. In chronic rhinitis, mustard flour is poured into stockings.

In opium poisoning, mustard is taken internally to induce vomiting and diarrhea (one pinch or 1.5 g of mustard flour is taken intermittently until vomiting begins).

Mustard flour in half with honey, mixed with a decoction of white lily flowers, is taken for freckles.


Mustard seeds for internal use: swallow 10 seeds on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals; increasing this portion every day, bring up to 20 seeds. If there are no seeds, you can use mustard flour: starting with 1/4 teaspoon, bring to a full teaspoon with water. If it burns, drink warm olive oil or milk.

Medicinal mixture used for fever (for one dose): 1 glass of wine, 1/4 teaspoon of mustard and a pinch of salt, mix well, drink 3 times every day.

Tincture: 1 teaspoon of mustard flour per 10 teaspoons of vodka, leave for 8 days, take 20-30 drops before meals.