Sorbus aucuparia L.
Aronia tnellanocarp (Minch.) Elliot
The rose family is Rosaceae
What does it look like? A tree with smooth gray bark 10-16 m tall. Leaves alternate, odd-pinnate. The flowers are white, small, fragrant, similar to apple blossoms, but collected in thick shields. Blooms in May-June. The fruits are berry-like, spherical, red, bitter, astringent, ripen in September and remain on the tree until the dead of winter.
Where does it grow? It grows in the forest zone, in the mountainous regions of the Carpathians and the Crimea. It is not found in the Steppe, except for the outskirts of Dnipropetrovsk.
What and when are collected? Flowers are collected in May-June, berries in September-October, after frosts, when they acquire a more pleasant taste.
When is it used? Flowers are a diuretic, laxative, they help with scanty menstruation in women. Berries contain a lot of carotene, vitamins C and P, volatile oil, pectins, bitter, antibacterial and tannins, pigments, non-fermentable sugar – sorbitol, malic and citric acids. they are used as a vitamin, anti-scurvy, diuretic, antiseptic, anti-dysenteric, anti-diarrheal, hemostatic agent — the effect of vitamins A and C, tannins, organic acids. Raw juice, rich in vitamins, is drunk with honey two or three times a day. Multivitamin tea is prepared like this. Half a tablespoon of rowan berriesand half a tablespoon of rose hips are poured with 2 cups of boiling water, boiled for 10 minutes, left for a day in a covered enamel vessel, honey or sugar is added to taste and drunk two or three times a day. A decoction of 1 tablespoon of dried fruits (for 1 cup of boiling water) before going to bed is useful for schistosomiasis, urolithiasis.
What does a blackberry rowan look like? A low dense bush 1.5-2 m tall. The leaves are similar to cherry leaves, a little more shiny. Five-petalled flowers, white or pink. Blooms in May – June.
What and when are collected? The fruits are collected in bunches, juicy, black with a bluish coating, 6-16 mm in diameter, ripen at the end of summer — at the beginning of autumn, sour-sweet-astringent in taste.
When is rowan blackberry used? The fruits are rich in rutin (С 27 Н 30 О 16 ), ascorbic acid, sugar, iodine, they also contain organic acids, carotene, vitamins B, PP, tannins, flavonoids, anthocyanins, trace elements – phosphorus, copper, manganese, molybdenum , magnesium, iron. Rowan fruits are a concentrate of vitamin P (500 mg%), which tightens the walls of blood vessels and reduces their fragility. Therefore, they are recommended for atherosclerosis, hypertension, hemorrhagic diathesis, thyrotoxicosis, glomerulonephritis, bleeding of various origins, and treatment with anticoagulants.
Japanese sophora (Sophora japonica L.) from the Fabaceae family is also rich in rutin (12-30%) . This is a decorative tree up to 20 m tall, similar to white acacia (robinia), only without thorns, which has acclimatized well in our parks of Transcarpathia, Southern Crimea, Odesa and Kherson regions. The bark of the tree is smooth, dark green, with lenticels. A good honey plant, valuable yellow dye for dyeing silk is extracted from the flowers. Blooms in July – August. Its fruits are up to 6 cm long — fleshy beans with gaps between individual seeds, similar to lentils and floating in a yellowish-green sticky juice. The beans ripen in September and overwinter on the tree. Unbloomed flower buds and ripe (even completely dry) beans are used to prepare medicines.
Freshly harvested ripe beans are washed with boiled water, cut through the seeds into pieces and poured in a glass or porcelain vessel with 56% alcohol in a ratio of 1:1 (when dry, then in a ratio of 1:2) and infused, shaking often. 10 days. Then they are pressed, settled, filtered through cotton wool and filter paper. A non-poisonous, side-effect-free tincture is formed, which is taken internally – from 10 drops to 1 teaspoon, 4-5 times a day: for the treatment and prevention of internal bleeding of various origins, in particular in the brain, heart, retina; with angina pectoris, hypertension, diabetes, sclerotic degeneration of the walls of blood vessels, with kidney diseases, hemorrhagic diatheses, peptic ulcer disease of the stomach and duodenum, with gastritis, ulcerative colitis, diarrhea, liver diseases, typhus, sepsis,
Instead of bean tincture, you can use tincture of unbloomed buds of sophora flowers (20 g of flowers per 100 g of 70% alcohol, infuse for 7 days)—20—40 drops, three times a day.
These same tinctures are used for burns and frostbite of the 1st and 2nd degrees – healing occurs in 5-6 days; with frostbite of the III degree, as well as with skin tuberculosis, lupus, ulcers scar much faster. It has a pain-relieving effect, and therefore is used for the treatment of congested places, boils, carbuncles, paraproctitis, sinusitis, trophic ulcers, breast (mastitis), lichen planus – in the form of irrigations, washings, lubrications, tampons (twice a day), sterile dressings on wounds
Jam is made from berries. 1 kg of fragrant and slightly dried berries are ground with 700 g of granulated sugar. Take 75-100 g twice a day in combination with vitamin C. Store in a dry, cool place. Berries contain substances that inhibit the reproduction of microbes. Jam is contraindicated in cases of increased blood coagulation and peptic ulcer disease of the stomach and duodenum, because it increases the secretion of gastric juice and the activity of gastric enzymes. Therefore, it is recommended for gastritis with reduced secretory function. It should be used with caution in thrombophlebitis and diseases with an increased prothrombin index. With hypertension, fresh juice is effective, half a glass on an empty stomach for 15 days. Blackberry rowan can be planted throughout the territory of Ukraine, where Japanese sophora does not grow , the fruits of which act in a similar way.
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