GORITSVET KUKUSHKIN (cuckoo color, dawn)
Perennial herbaceous plant with a straight, branched stem at the top, 30-90 cm high. The leaves are narrow-lanceolate, sessile, the lower ones are more contiguous, oblong-shovel-shaped. Inflorescences are a rare pyramidal or corymbose panicle, with opposite branches. The flowers are medium-sized, less than 1 cm long, with a bell-shaped calyx covered with reddish-brown veins. The petals are pinkish-red, the lower ones are deeply divided into 4 narrow sharp lobes. Blooms in June-July.
Grows in flood and upland meadows, on the outskirts of swamps, in shrubs. Distributed almost everywhere.
Saponins and traces of alkaloids were found in the grass.
In folk medicine, the herb of the plant is used orally for jaundice, chronic bronchitis, uterine and other bleeding, as a diaphoretic and antirheumatic agent. Grass, brewed as tea, is drunk when childless, used externally for scabies, for washing wounds, for compresses for abscesses.
Decoction for internal use: 20 g per 200 ml, 1 tbsp. spoon three times every day.
Decoction for external use: 10 g per 200 ml. Tincture 25%: 20-40 drops 3 times every day.
Note. Since the cuckoo adonis is often mixed with sticky resin, when collecting plants, their distinctive properties must be taken into account.