Tree 3-4 m zavvisheki abo bushes of the birthplace of pink. Juveniles are hairy, spines are few, about 1 cm long. Leaves broadly ovate to ovate-tricky, woolly, animal green, underside – gray-green, hairy on both sides. The lower leaves of the fruitful pagons are trilopathic, the upper ones are 5-7-lobate; leaflets of non-plotted pagons 5-8-blade, with great oblique-ovate pilchatonadridled stipules. Flowers are two-state, regular, 3-5-stovpchikov, 5-pelyustkovі bluvati, in sparse densely pubescent shields. The fruits are apple-shaped, short-ellipsoid, black, with gray hair and red pulp, with 3-5 tassels. Flowers in herbs – chervni.
Width. Growth in light forests and on knots throughout the territory of Ukraine.
Procurement and saving . Vykoristovuyut flowers and fruits. Flowers (with leaves or without them) are harvested on the cob of flowering growth, if part of them has not yet opened. Dry at the zatіnku. Dry syrovini comes out 18-20%. Lines of appurtenance – one river. The fruits are taken from the period of full achievement. Dry at a temperature of 50-60°. Dry sirovini come out 40%. Lines of appurtenance – 2 years. Tickets and fruits are allowed in pharmacies.
Chemical warehouse . Quotes can be used against hyperoside, quercetin, vitexin, saponaretin, orientin, homoorientin, rhamnoside vitexin, phenolic acids (kavova, chlorogenic), amines (choline, acetylcholine, trimethylamine). Organic acids, zukri, sorbitol, pectin speech (1.9–6.1%), ascorbic acid (18–100 mg%), B-carotene (0.4–2.7 mg%), vitamin K were found in the fruits. , phenolic compounds (anthocyanins – up to 1200 mg%, leucoanthocyanins – 400-1500 mg%, catechins, flavonols, phenolic acids toshko), coumarins (0.7-3.4%), sterols, triterpenic acids (ursolic, oleanol).
Pharmacological power and victory. Galenic products of Gloda pyatistovchikovy show cardiotonic, spasmolytic, hypotensive, sedative and desensitizing effect. Glid building to increase the strength of the heart rate, regulate the blood pressure (movement – decrease, decrease – increase), change the irritability of the nervous system, zoom in on a weak, calm and trivaly sleep, not causing a psychic awakening. It follows that the direction of the therapeutic product should lie in the dosing. Even if small doses are injected into the heart activity tonic, then large doses are miraculously spasmolytic and sedative. It is necessary to take large doses, 4-5 times greater for the great recognition, causing drowsiness and palpitation. Growth preparations have low toxicity, do not cause cumulative dominance and do not cause side effects. Їх vicoristate with various diseases of the heart, zocrema, with coronaritis, if accompanied by symptoms of angina pectoris; with hypertonic ailments, especially with sclerotic and vegetative-nervous forms; with arteriosclerosis, neuropsychic agitation, confusion; with acute subglobal rheumatism, as well as with climacteric neurosis, as a rule, which changes the nervous system irritability and causes different pain symptoms, which are typical for this period of women’s life. Flowers and fruits of Glod pyatistovchikovy vicory are okremo or in other medical roses. The priority should be given to preparations prepared from roselin leaves (it is better to take fresh leaves), remembering that stench is of little effect in case of heart decompensation. if accompanied by symptoms of angina pectoris; with hypertonic ailments, especially with sclerotic and vegetative-nervous forms; with arteriosclerosis, neuropsychic agitation, confusion; with acute subglobal rheumatism, as well as with climacteric neurosis, as a rule, which changes the nervous system irritability and causes different pain symptoms, which are typical for this period of women’s life. Flowers and fruits of Glod pyatistovchikovy vicory are okremo or in other medical roses. The priority should be given to preparations prepared from roselin leaves (it is better to take fresh leaves), remembering that stench is of little effect in case of heart decompensation. if accompanied by symptoms of angina pectoris; with hypertonic ailments, especially with sclerotic and vegetative-nervous forms; with arteriosclerosis, neuropsychic agitation, confusion; with acute subglobal rheumatism, as well as with climacteric neurosis, as a rule, which changes the nervous system irritability and causes different pain symptoms, which are typical for this period of women’s life. Flowers and fruits of Glod pyatistovchikovy vicory are okremo or in other medical roses. The priority should be given to preparations prepared from roselin leaves (it is better to take fresh leaves), remembering that stench is of little effect in case of heart decompensation. with acute subglobal rheumatism, as well as with climacteric neurosis, as a rule, which changes the nervous system irritability and causes different pain symptoms, which are typical for this period of women’s life. Flowers and fruits of Glod pyatistovchikovy vicory are okremo or in other medical roses. The priority should be given to preparations prepared from roselin leaves (it is better to take fresh leaves), remembering that stench is of little effect in case of heart decompensation. with acute subglobal rheumatism, as well as with climacteric neurosis, as a rule, which changes the nervous system irritability and causes different pain symptoms, which are typical for this period of women’s life. Flowers and fruits of Glod pyatistovchikovy vicory are okremo or in other medical roses. The priority should be given to preparations prepared from roselin leaves (it is better to take fresh leaves), remembering that stench is of little effect in case of heart decompensation.
Medical forms and zastosuvannya .
Internally – a tincture of flowers (infuse 10 g of fresh flowers per 100 ml of 70% alcohol or a mild torch for 14 days, proceed) 15-30 drops in a glass of water 3 times a day zbіlshhuyut at 2 — 3 times);
fresh flowers (5 g, or one tablespoon of dried flowers for 200 ml of okrop) in a glass bottle 2-3 times a day;
tincture of fruits (infuse 10 g of dried dried fruits per 100 ml of 70% alcohol or hot water for 14 days, protidzhuyut) 30-40 drops in the water;
fresh fruits (15 g or a tablespoon of dried dried fruits per 200 ml of okrop) in half or a third bottle 2-3 times a day;
fruit extract (25 g of selected fruits per 100 ml of okrop, boil until the volume is reduced by half) 40 drops 3 times a day;
one tablespoon with the top of the sum of flowers of Glod P’yatistovchikovy (10 g), herbs of dog’s spice (20 g), marenka zapashnoy (20 g), leaves of blue-grass (25 g) and herbs of dried flowers of lilac (15 g) are infused for 10 minutes . 200 ml of okrop and drink 1 slug 3 times a day with drativity, hysterical seizures, menopause;
one tablespoon of sumish flowers and fruits of Glod pyatistivchikovy, horsetail herb, mistletoe white, zubkiv chasnika (30 g each), flowers of arnica girskaya (10 g) and herbs tree splendid (40 g) insist on 200 ml of okrop i p’ use four bottles 4 times a day for hypertensive ailments;
three tablespoons of sumish flowers and leaves of Glod pyatistivchikovy (20 g), rhizomes from the roots of valeria likarskoy (20 g), herb dog spices (20 g), wild thyme (5 g), maternal mother (5 g), leaves lemon balm (10 g), peppermint (5 g), wild hop cones (5 g), flowers of lavender spikelet (5 g), spring adonis herb (5 g) and leaves of wild convalescence (5 g) insist until chilled 300 ml of okrop and drink in a glass of water 3 times a day in case of cardiac neuroses (selection of vicorist in Bulgarian official medicine);
two tablespoons of sumish flowers and leaves Glodu p’yatistovchikovy (30 g), grass horsetail (15 g), mistletoe white (30 g), flowers of black elderberry (30 g), slanted lamina sucristosa (5 g), leaves of melisi likarskoy (5 g), peppermint (5 g), garden herbs (5 g), dog spice (25 g), tricolor violets (15 g), fluffy birch leaves (15 g), rhizomes from valerian roots (10 g) and small periwinkle herbs (15 g) are poured into 250 ml of okrop, boiled for 5 minutes, insisted until chilled, cooled and sipped 3 times a day for hypertensive ailment (selection of vicorist in Bulgarian official).
From ready-made pharmaceutical products, vicorist tincture of glory (Tinctura Crataegi) – 20-30 drops each, a rare extract of glory (Extractum Crataegi fluidum) – 20-30 drops 3-4 times a day before meals.