Zhiryanka common

Bladderwort – Lentibulariaceae.

Popular names: blue zhiryanka, oil grass.

Parts Used: All above ground parts of the plant.

Pharmacy name: herb zhiryanka – Pinguicuke herba (earlier: Herba Pinguiculae).

Botanical description.Those who are engaged in zhiryanka should simultaneously include sundew in their circle of interests. Although these two plants not only look different, but also belong to different families, they both share the same two properties – they are “carnivorous plants” and soften the irritating whooping cough. Since both plants are relatively rare and their harvesting is complicated, mass collection is out of the question. Zhiryanka is found mainly in raised bogs, where, by the way, sundew also grows. But the butterfly is not so picky about habitats, it is found even on rocks at an altitude of about 2000 m. For her, the main thing is that it is sufficiently humid. Leafless flower stalks with a blue-violet flower with a spur emerge from a rosette of leaves pressed to the ground. Developed leaves have an inward-curved edge, on which there are a large number of adhesive glands that hold small insects, as well as glands that secrete digestive juice, with the help of which insects are digested. In this way, the plant provides itself with nitrogen, which is not available in the soil, but which it badly needs. It blooms at very different times – from June to September, depending on the habitat.

Active ingredients: traces of essential oil, minerals, organic acids, antispasmodic substances, protein decomposing enzymes and labenzym.

Healing action and application. Zhiryanka is not as popular as sundew. It has no special significance in the treatment of colds and coughs.

Side effects are unknown.