Cucurbita rero L.
Cucumber melon L
Citrullus vulgaris Sehrad
Cucumis sativus L.
Bryonia alba L.
The pumpkin family is Cucurbitaceae
What does a regular pumpkin look like? An annual, monoecious, herbaceous plant with creeping stems, entire-edged, five-lobed leaves and large yellow, funnel-shaped, bell-shaped unisexual flowers. Blooms in July – August.
When is ordinary pumpkin used? For medicinal purposes, pumpkin pulp is used as a diuretic, laxative, which increases intestinal peristalsis, against vomiting in pregnant women and against seasickness. They are used for compresses for burns, rashes on the body, eczema. The pulp is rich in vitamins B 1 , B 2 , PP and C.
The seeds are used, which contains 20% fatty oil, protein, sugar, phytosterol cucurbitol, leucine, tyrosine, salicylic acid, phytin, resin with oxyserotinic acid and an alkaloid (in the green skin of the seed).
It is used as an anthelmintic, especially with solitaire. To do this, dry, dehulled seeds (up to 300 pieces) are ground in small portions in a mortar or skull vessel, adding water a little at a time until a milk-like liquid is obtained. 50-100 g of jam or honey are added for taste, poured into a vessel, and the mortar is poured with boiled water – there should be a total of 500 ml (dose for adults). One-year-old children are given up to 30 ml of milk, older children – at the rate of 15 ml per year; yes, for a six-year-old child, the dose is 15×6 = 90 ml. On the first day (preparation for treatment), the patient should eat pureed or liquid food (soups, porridge, vegetable puree, sour milk). In the evening, an adult eats a few pieces of herring with onions and drinks a saline laxative (20-30 g of Glauber’s salt or Epsom salt in half a glass of warm water – p’ slowly through a straw). The next day in the morning (on an empty stomach), a cleansing enema is given and pumpkin milk is consumed for 30-40 minutes. 2 hours after taking the medicine, they drink a saline laxative again.
An adult needs 40-50 g of salt. After 2 hours, you can eat everything, but cleansing enemas must be given 2 days in a row to free the intestines from dead worms.
In case of edema associated with heart and kidney failure, boil 1-3 crushed pumpkin stalks in 2 glasses of water for 15 minutes and drink the decoction during the day.
What does a common melon look like? The leaves are large, heart-shaped, entire or five-fingered. The flowers are unisexual, pale yellow, with a five-parted corolla. Blooms in June – July. Comes from Asia Minor, Iran, Central Asia. There are many varieties of melon. They differ in size, taste, smell and chemical composition of the fruits.
When is melon used? The flesh of a fragrant, white, greenish or orange melon contains: sugar, extractive and nitrogenous substances, fiber, fats, volatile aromatic substances, vitamins (folic, nicotinic and ascorbic acids – 10-40 mg%). The fruits quench thirst and have a calming effect on the nervous system (they were once given to patients with melancholy). They are used for rheumatism, gout, as a diuretic, and as a laxative for constipation and hemorrhoids.
A decoction of soft melon is used as a cosmetic to remove spots on the skin, freckles, and acne. Aqueous infusion of seeds is used for kidney diseases as a diuretic.
What does an ordinary watermelon look like? The leaves are large, the hylix is three or five-parted. The fruits are large berries with juicy, red, sweet flesh. Blooms in June – July. Comes from semi-deserts and deserts of North and South Africa.
When is watermelon used? Juice and pulp are good for quenching thirst during fever. It is an effective diuretic and choleretic agent. Taken three times a day, 5 g before meals, peeled with a sharp knife from the top layer and dried watermelon rind , acts as a diuretic. They drink this peel with water sweetened with honey. Colitis in children is treated with green fresh and dried peel. The pulp contains: fructose, which is easily absorbed by diabetics, nitrogenous substances, fiber, iron mineral salts, fats, pigments and vitamins B 1 B 2, C and PP, folic acid, carotene. It is useful for patients with atherosclerosis, gout, and arthritis, because its fiber, stimulating intestinal peristalsis, helps remove cholesterol from the body. Long-term use of soft watermelon cures chronic gastritis. Watermelon seeds, as well as ordinary pumpkins, repel worms, in particular the solitaire.
What does a seeded cucumber look like? Its leaves are heart-shaped, pentagonal-bladed, with sharp and toothed edges. The flowers are unisexual, yellow, with a fused-petal corolla. The fruits are fleshy, juicy, with greenish-white pulp and a pleasant smell. Blooms in June – August. It comes from Northeast India, the foothills of the Himalayas.
When is cucumber used? The juice of this vegetable is drunk for coughs, chronic catarrh of the respiratory tract, and tuberculosis. It also acts as a diuretic in dropsy and as a laxative in constipation. Treats fever and calms the nervous system. The daily dose is 2-3 tablespoons of raw juice, drunk twice a day. To improve the taste, you can add sugar or honey to the juice. Cucumbers contain nitrogenous and nonnitrogenous substances, fiber, potassium salts, microelement silver, vitamins A, B, traces of vitamin C.
Cucumber seeds make drinks that are used for fever, renal colic, painful urination, and pulmonary tuberculosis. Cucumber juice and aqueous infusion of green cucumber skin whiten the face, remove spots, acne, and freckles (swallows). Cucumber powder, made from a mixture of cucumber juice with cucumber seeds and rice flour, dried in the sun and ground into a fine powder, came into practice in cosmetics. Cucumbers, like melons, suppress sexual desire.
What does a white transition (don’t touch potion) look like? Це отруйний представник тієї самої родини. Витка, шорстко-волохата, до 3 м завдовжки багаторічна трав’яниста рослина. Листки її черешкові, серцевидні, п’ятилопатеві, великозубчасті. Квітки однодомні, дрібні, жовтувато-білі, дзвоникуваті, на довгих квітконіжках. Плід — соковита куляста чорна ягода. Корінь великий, часто два,-трироздільний, нагадує постать людини, зовні жовтуватий, всередині білий. В ньому містяться віск, смоли, пектин, цукор, фітостерол, слиз, дубильні речовини, мінеральні солі й отруйні глікозиди — бріонін і бріонідин, алкалоїд бріоніцин, алкоголь бріонол і летка олія. Росте переступень білий в лісостеповій зоні і в Криму, в тінистих чагарниках і як бур’ян по городах і біля садиб. Навесні або пізно восени викопують його великий (іноді вагою до 3 кг) корінь, миють у холодній воді, ріжуть на тонкі кружечки, які нанизують на нитку і сушать на свіжому повітрі
An infusion (or decoction) of 1 teaspoon of the dry root of the white trespass in 1 glass of water is used for 1 tablespoon as a diuretic and expectorant. It also acts as a hemostatic, pain reliever, soporific, tones the heart muscle and lowers blood pressure. Half a glass of infusion of 1 tablespoon of crushed dry root in 1 glass of water is drunk on an empty stomach as a strong laxative. Ointment made from 2 teaspoons of root tincture (one part of fresh root to 3 parts of alcohol) mixed with a quarter of a cup of unsalted lard or butter soothes redness of the skin. They rub it in rheumatic and gouty pains.