Crow’s eye four leaf



Perennial herbaceous plant with an erect stem and a long creeping rhizome; the upper 30% of the stem is surrounded by a whorl of 4 cross-shaped broadly ovate leaves. Flower solitary at the top of the stem; within the flower garden greenish-yellow of 8-10 leaves. The fruit is a bluish-black berry. Blooms in May-June.

Contains poisonous saponin.

A common plant in shady, damp forests and forest plantations.

The whole plant is insisted on vodka and drunk in small doses for pulmonary tuberculosis, nerve pain, nervous twitches; a decoction of leaves and berries is drunk for pulmonary tuberculosis, for sweating. It is used in homeopathy, for headaches, neuralgia, laryngitis, hoarseness, bronchial disease, for poorly healing wounds, migraine, drowsiness, mental disorder, nervous facial twitching, increased heart rate, hearing loss, eye diseases.


Tincture: 10% from fresh plants, drunk drop by drop. Action: berries – on the heart, leaves – on the nervous system, rhizome – emetic.