Name: Cherry ordinary – cherry zvichayna (harvesting and storage)
Common cherry – Cerasus vulgaris M i l l e r . The Ukrainian name is cherry zvichayna. The Rosaceae family is Rosaceae.
Medicinal raw materials – dried stalks.
A well-known fruit plant that grows in cultivation throughout Ukraine sometimes runs wild.
Stocks of raw materials are large – tens of tons can be harvested annually.
Stems are harvested by harvesting ripened fruits or separating them at factories during processing. It is also allowed to harvest sweet stalks – Cerasus aviam M o e n with h.
From the stalks washed in cold water, dried fruits and leaves are sorted out, and then dried at a temperature of 60-70 ° in dryers, in attics under an iron roof or under canopies with good ventilation, spreading a thin layer (0.5-1 cm) on paper or fabrics. The yield of dry raw materials is within 40%.
The raw material is exported and, according to the requirements of foreign firms, it consists of thin stalks, fused several at the base, 4-5 cm long, brown or brown-green in color. There is no smell. The taste is bitter-astringent. In raw materials, no more than 5% blackened stalks, 2% organic and 0.2% mineral impurities are allowed.
Pack raw materials in bags of the same weight. Store in dry, well-ventilated areas on pallets or racks.
The stalks contain tannin, coloring and other little-studied substances. It is used in infusion as a diuretic for dropsy, urolithiasis, as a fixing agent for diarrhea. Berries, juice and syrup from cherry fruits are food and corrective products.