Hairy bloater



A plant of the umbrella family. Stem 10-40 cm high, up to 7 mm thick, glabrous, densely clad below with remnants of dead petioles of basal leaves. Leaves bluish-green, glabrous, oblong-ovate, 6-20 cm long, 2-6 cm wide, twice or thrice pinnato-lanceolate with pointed lobes, 2-5 mm long, 0.5-1 mm wide, stem leaves in number 2-3. The uppermost leaflets are small, with greatly expanded swollen and stalk-bearing sheaths. Basal leaves on long petioles, umbels (8-30) ray, 3-7 mm in diameter, hairy rays.

Grows on rocky soil in the moss-lichen tundra, along dry riverbeds in the Northern and Eastern Urals, in the Kuznetsk Alatau, Eastern Siberia, Mongolia, etc.

Roots are medicinal raw materials. They contain dihydrosaladin, which is 2,2-di-methyl-3-isovarerianyl-4-acetyl-3-4-hydropyrano-5,6,7,8-coumarin.

The product “Dimedin” is prepared from the root, which is used for coronary insufficiency, Rein’s disease, obliterative endarteritis (spastic form), angiospasm of various etiologies.

The drug is prescribed orally (in the form of tablets) 50 mg 3-4 times a day. On the 3-5th day after the start of treatment, the majority of patients felt better, pain in the heart area disappeared, anginal attacks stopped or became less intense, electrocardiographic parameters improved.

The action of the product is antispasmodic, dilates the coronary and peripheral vessels, has low toxicity.

Side effects: nausea, dizziness.