Perennial herbaceous plant with a creeping branched stem. Branches rooting, with raised tops. Leaves are short-petiolate, obovate, toothed, downy. The flowers are pale blue, rarely pink, in dense axillary racemes.
It grows in the Crimea, in the Caucasus. Leafy tops of the plant are used, collected at the beginning of flowering. When fresh, they have a slight smell that disappears when dried, the taste is bitter.
Contains tannins, bitter substances, aukubin glycoside, essential oil, glycoside veronicin, saponins.
Veronica is used for dizziness, memory loss, diseases of the stomach, liver, spleen, kidneys, bladder, gynecological diseases and as a diaphoretic, in case of lack of appetite and diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Useful for cancer.
In folk medicine, the herb is brewed as a tea and drunk for diseases caused by weight lifting, diarrhea (simple and bloody), liver diseases, stomach ulcers, menopause, colds, headaches, cattle are given to drink with bloody urine; wrap babies with skin diseases, scrofula, with a cold. Herb infused with vegetable oil is considered a good remedy for better healing of purulent wounds and sunburn of the skin.
Veronica is used as a hot decoction and is recommended for atony, colic in the stomach and to improve digestion, the greatest effectiveness is noted in the absence of appetite, also in bronchitis.
Drink as tea or prepare a collection: Veronica leaves – 60 g, balsam leaves – 15 g, cassia leaves – 15 g, liquorice root – 10 g; 5-6 g of crushed raw materials are brewed in 1 cup of boiling water, infused for 20 minutes and taken unsweetened 5 minutes before meals.
Infusion: 1 teaspoon of the herb is infused for 2 hours in a glass of boiling water and taken 1/4 cup 4 times every day an hour before meals.