Camelthorn plant

CAMEL THORN (tumbleweed)


Prickly semi-shrub, less often – herbaceous perennial plant. Stems and branches glabrous, furrowed, green. The stems are covered with thorns. The spines are immature branches with small flowers. The leaves are simple, entire, placed at the base of the stems and spines. The flowers are red, on stalks, the calyx is bell-shaped, notched. The fruits are four-, five-seeded bean-shaped beans. Seeds kidney-shaped, almost square. Blooms in May-August.

Camel thorn ordinary, the most famous species of this plant, is common in desert and semi-desert regions of the southeast of the European part of Russia, throughout the Caucasus, Asia Minor and Central Asia, and also in Siberia.

All types of camel thorn (there are five of them) contain a lot of vitamin C (young grass).

In folk medicine, for medicinal purposes, grass and plant roots are used, collected during and after flowering.


Use it as a laxative (root decoction 20 g per 200 ml) in large doses, i.e. 4-5 tbsp. spoons; as a diuretic – with dropsy (the same decoction, 1 tablespoon 3 times every day), in the presence of sand in the urine and urinary retention in adults; with dysentery, tonsillitis, purulent otitis (ear inflammation).

Outwardly – with joint pains, rheumatism for baths: 200 g per bucket of water, steam the grass for an hour, strain and steam for 30-40 minutes sore spots (for example, legs). “Yandach tea” quenches thirst and dramatically reduces sweat.