Verba purpurova – ivy purpurnaya

Purple willow (Salix purpurea); purple willow


A dioecious plant of the willow family. A thin-branched bush up to 4 m tall. The bark is yellow on the outside with a blue coating, lemon-yellow on the inside. Leaves 3–10 cm long, opposite, lanceolate, slightly wider at the top, glabrous, grey, entire or acute-serrate at the top. The flowers are unisexual, in cylindrical, thin, grayish earrings; anthers and receptacles are red. The fruit is a box. Blooms in March – April, before the leaves appear or almost simultaneously with them.

Distribution . It grows near reservoirs, ditches, on seaside and riverside sands, in floodplains throughout the territory of Ukraine.

Procurement and storage . Bark collected during sap flow from 3–4-year-old branches is used. Dry outdoors or in a well-ventilated room. 33% of dry raw material is obtained.

The plant is unofficial .

Chemical composition . Willow bark contains tannins (about 12%), flavonoids, flavone glycosides (2.5–3%).

Pharmacological properties and use. A decoction of purple willow bark has analgesic, sedative, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, diaphoretic, antimalarial, antiseptic, hemostatic, wound-healing, astringent and anthelmintic properties. It is used for headache, neuralgia, various forms of neurosis, rheumatism, gout, colds, malaria, indigestion of food in the stomach, inflammatory phenomena in the stomach and intestines, jaundice, diseases of the spleen and liver (when they are overloaded with large doses of toxins), diarrhea, inflammation of the urinary tract, gynecological and infectious diseases, gastric, intestinal, uterine and other bleeding. Externally, the bark decoction is used for rinsing (for stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis, angina, inflammatory processes of the oral cavity and throat), for foot baths (for hyperhidrosis, phlebitis, varicose veins, muscle weakness

Medicinal forms and applications .

Internally – bark decoction (15 g per 200 ml of boiling water) 1 tablespoon three times a day;

bark infusion (1 teaspoon per 200 ml of boiling water, infuse until cool, filter) 1 tablespoon 4–5 times a day;

bark powder 0.5–1 g per night.

Externally – infusion for baths (1 teaspoon of bark powder per 400 ml of cold water, infuse for 8 hours, filter) with hyperhidrosis;

a strong bark decoction for rinsing, washing wounds and foot baths.