Three-leaf watch – trifoliate beaver (veterinary practice)

Name: Three-leaf watch – trifoliate beaver (veterinary practice)

text-align: center; “> Three- leaf watch – menyanthes trifoli ata l.


Popular names: water trefoil, trifol, watch-grass, febrile, bean.

Botanical characteristic. Rotational family. Perennial herbaceous plant with a thick longish creeping, knotty rhizome. From the rhizome rises a leafless erect stem up to 20-30 cm in height, at the top of which are flowers that form a spikelet. The leaves are trifoliate, with elliptical segments, long-petiolate, 3-10 (15) cm long and 1.5-3 (7) cm wide. The flowers are white-pink. The fruit is a multi-seeded spherical capsule. Blooms in May – June (color table III – 1).

Spreading. It grows along the banks of stagnant and low-flowing water bodies in the European part of the USSR, in marshy places, swampy meadows, and on peat soils. It is also found in the Asian part of the USSR (except for the southern regions and deserts and semi-deserts of Central Asia), on the ridges of the Caucasus, in the southeastern part of Kazakhstan, on the islands of the Far East.

Medicinal raw materials. Immediately after flowering (June – September), leaves with a short (no longer than 3 cm) part of the petiole are cut off or cut off with secateurs. Then they are dried for several hours in the open air, the browned ones are removed and quickly dried in attics under an iron roof, under a canopy with good ventilation or in dryers at a temperature not exceeding 60 ° C, spreading out in a thin layer and periodically turning over. Dried raw materials are cleaned of browned leaves and impurities. Young and apical leaves turn black during drying and therefore cannot be harvested. Re-harvesting of watch leaves in the same place is possible only after 2-3 years.

Chemical composition. Watch leaves contain bitter glycosides meniantin and meliatin, tannins, gentianin alkaloid, rutin, hyperosides and dyes. In the grass, plants find fatty oil, consisting of glycerides of palmitic and other acids, choline, resins and iodine, in the roots – the glycoside meliantin, inulin, tannins and saponins, traces of alkaloids, etc.

pharmacological properties. The bitter substances of the three-leaf watch reflexively enhance the functions of the secretory glands of the gastrointestinal tract and thereby improve digestion and stimulate appetite. They have a choleretic effect, increase intestinal motility and the contractile function of the muscles of the stomach and can cause a laxative effect.

Application.In folk veterinary medicine, it is used to improve digestion and stimulate appetite, as an antipyretic and anthelmintic agent. In practice, it is recommended to stimulate appetite and increase gastrointestinal secretion, with gastritis with low acidity, as a choleretic and anti-inflammatory agent orally in diseases of the liver, catarrhs ​​of the stomach and intestines. Assign inside in the form of fees or infusion three times every day: cattle 25-50 g, horses 10-25, pigs 2-5, sheep 5-10, dogs 0.5-2, chickens 0.2-1 g. Included in the bitter tincture and choleretic tea (immortelle flowers 4 parts, watch leaves 3 parts, mint leaves 2 parts, coriander fruits 2 parts). Doses are approximately the same as watch: inside in the form of infusion 2-3 times a day for 15-20 minutes before feeding. Leaf infusion and fresh leaves are used externally in the treatment of wounds,


Rp.: Trifolii folii infusion 10.0-200.0

DS 1 tablespoon 2-3 times daily before meals to increase appetite.