Umbelliferae – Apiaceae (Umbelliferae).
Parts used: rhizome with roots.
Pharmacy name: angelica root – Angelicae radix (formerly: Radix Angelicae), angelica oil – Angelicae aetheroleum (formerly: Oleum Angelicae).
Botanical description.This umbrella plant sometimes reaches a height of 2 m. Its rounded stem is hollow, sometimes furrowed in the upper part. Leaves with large, strongly expanding sheaths, smooth, singly-, twice- or thrice-pinnate. Small greenish-white flowers are collected in complex umbrellas with 20-40 rays. Umbrellas do not have a common wrapper, but there are wrappers for each beam. Blooms in July-August. Occurs in northern Europe and northern Asia along river banks and in meadows; in Germany – more often in damp meadows in mountainous areas and in the ravines of larger mountains. Angelica is rare on the coasts of the North and Baltic Seas and on the North German Plain. Collection and harvesting are carried out only after carefully identifying the plant, as it can be confused with poisonous umbrella plants. The dried rhizome with the largest roots is used. It is dug in spring and late autumn. After thorough cleansing, the rhizomes are cut lengthwise and hung out to dry. Brownish-gray or reddish, they have a strong aromatic smell and taste. Harvesting must be carried out very carefully, since there is hardly any other medicinal plant that is so badly damaged by insects – even purchased raw materials will need to be checked.
active ingredients. The basis for the use of angelica is essential oil, bitterness (sesqui-terpenes) and tannins, furanocoumarins, resins, wax, starch, pectin and sugar.
Healing action and application.Angelica is a typical aromatic bitterness, that is, a medicinal plant whose action is due to essential oil and bitter substances. Therefore, it should be classified as a means of stimulating appetite, promoting digestion and at the same time having a disinfecting effect, especially in the intestines, which prevents bloating. In addition, it has been found that angelica stimulates the secretion of bile and increases urination. Angelica should not be used for stomach and intestinal ulcers. Sometimes angelica is also used as a cough remedy. It is worth noting its antispasmodic properties. The German National Health Service allows the use of angelica rhizome for complaints such as feeling of fullness, flatulence and mild spasmodic conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, gastric disorders, caused by insufficient production of gastric juice. Angelica is usually used in the form of tea or tincture prepared from dry raw materials, less often isolated essential oil is used.
- Angelica tea: 2 heaping teaspoons pour 1/4 liter of cold water, heat to a boil, let it brew for about 2 minutes, strain and drink hot 2-3 cups in small sips every day.
My special advice. Angelica is similar in action to calamus, and it should be used more often in diseases of the stomach of a neurogenic nature. It is especially good for a pronounced feeling of fullness and bloating. But since people with neurogenic gastric diseases will need long-term treatment, I recommend a collection with an improved taste so that the patient likes it.
- Collection with improved taste: Angelica 20.0 Calamus 20.0 Melissa leaves 10.0 Strawberry leaves 10.0
One tablespoon with the top of the mixture is poured into 1/4 liter of boiling water and kept in a warm place covered for 15 minutes. Drink a cup every time after lunch and dinner. The use in traditional medicine is very extensive. In addition to all of the above, this medicinal plant is recommended for convulsions in young children, for alcohol and nicotine poisoning, as well as for rheumatism and gout. Angelica wine, like pepsi wine, promotes digestion.
- Angelica wine: 50 g of finely chopped angelica root is poured into 1 liter of Mosel wine and left to stand for about a week, strained and stored in small, well-closed bottles, drinking a full glass if necessary.
Essential oil from angelica is traditionally used for rubbing in the form of ointments, especially for rheumatism and gout. And although I believe that there are better remedies for this, I would not reject angelica baths for rheumatism and other metabolic disorders.
- Bath with angelica: 100 g of dried root is poured into 1 liter of water, brought to a boil, boiled for 15 minutes and the filtered liquid is added to a bath filled with water. Patients with rheumatism are recommended 2 baths a week, and it will be absolutely necessary to alternate the angelica bath with thyme or horsetail. Well, the fact that herbal baths can be effective for a variety of diseases does not need to be proven. It has been scientifically confirmed that biologically active plant substances when taking baths affect the body through the skin and mucous membranes.
Side effects. A medicinal plant with a high content of essential oil should not be considered completely harmless. It must be remembered that an overdose is always harmful. The misuse of the oil as an abortifacient will cause rather than the expected result, but severe poisoning, since it acts paralyzing the central nervous system. Mention should also be made of the photosensitizing properties of angelica furanocoumarins, which, when exposed to light, cause skin irritation. So when using angelica for a long time, bright sunlight should be avoided.