Bilinets zapashny (Gymnadenia odoratissima); fragrant kokushnik
Perennial herbaceous plant of the cycad family (orchids). Root tubers are pinnate. The leaves are alternate, narrowly lanceolate, gradually decreasing in size towards the top of the stem, turning into bracts. The flowering stem ends in a dense spike-shaped inflorescence with very zygomorphic bisexual purple-purple flowers with a cylindrical blunt spur and with a vanilla scent. The fruit is a box. Blooms in June – July.
Spread. An endangered plant (listed in the Red Book of the Ukrainian SSR). It occurs very rarely in the Forest Steppe, Polissia, Opilla, and the Carpathians.
Chemical composition. Tuberous roots contain mucilage (50%), starch (27%), dextrin, pentosans, sucrose, etc.
Pharmacological properties and use. Salep is a good enveloping and anti-inflammatory agent. It is prescribed for inflammation of the digestive organs (colitis, gastritis, stomach ulcer), for diarrhea, dysentery, poisoning with various toxic substances, for chronic and acute bronchitis.
Medicinal forms and applications.
Mucilago Salep: 2 g of salep powder is scalded with 200 ml of boiling water, shaken for 10-15 minutes and taken on 1 teaspoon or dessert spoon 2-3 times a day. Prepared slime is stored in the refrigerator.
Pharmacological properties and use. The preparation from Bylynets fragrant – salep – is a good enveloping, anti-inflammatory and general strengthening agent. It prevents the absorption of harmful substances from the gastrointestinal tract. As an enveloping and anti-inflammatory agent, salep is prescribed for acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory tract, for inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. The use of salep is effective for bronchitis, gastroenteritis, colitis and peptic ulcer disease. Salep mucus is drunk in case of poisoning to delay the absorption of the poison. Used in the form of mucus orally and in enemas. Salep is considered an effective remedy for general exhaustion of the body caused by prolonged bleeding, physical and mental fatigue, tuberculosis, etc. An infusion of old tubers is considered an abortifacient, and grass with young tubers is recommended for infertility. The leaves are applied to abscesses.