Bedrinets lomikamenevy – saxifrage femur

Lomikamenevy thigh (Pimpinella saxifraga); saxifrage femur


Perennial herbaceous glabrous or short-hairy rhizome plant of the celery (umbrella) family. The rhizome is multi-headed, branched. The stem is straight, thinly ribbed, branched, hatched, with a filled middle, 25-60 cm high. Basal and lower stem leaves are long-petiolate pinnate or pinnate; middle stems – pinnate, with round-ovoid, blunt, toothed, incised or separate segments; the upper ones are in the form of sheaths, without plates. The flowers are small, white or pinkish, 5-petalled, in complex umbrellas. The fruit is dicotyledonous. Blooms in June – August.

Spread. It grows scattered throughout the territory of Ukraine in mixed forests, on the edges of forests, dry meadows, slopes, in bushes.

Procurement and storage. They use roots (Radix Pimpinellae saxifragae), which are harvested in autumn or early spring. The roots are washed with water and dried in the open air or in a warm room. 20% of dry raw materials are obtained.

The plant is unofficial.

Chemical composition. The roots of Bedrynets lomykamenevoy contain essential oil (0.3-0.5%), umbelliferone, pimpinelin, isopimpinelin, bergapten, isobergapten, saponins, tannins and resinous substances, sugars, organic acids, etc.

Pharmacological properties and use. The plant is included in the pharmacopoeias of many countries of the world. In the territories of the former USSR, it is used only in folk medicine. Galenic products of Bedrynets lomykamenevy have antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects. They contribute to the normalization of the functioning of the digestive tract, stimulate the excretory function of the gastric glands, and have expectorant and antitussive properties. In the herbariums of the 16th century. Ivy stone is mentioned as a remedy that was used for the prevention and treatment of plague, cholera and cancer, for diseases of the uterus. Infusion or tincture of rhizomes with roots is used as an expectorant for catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, inflammation of the lungs, bronchial asthma and whooping cough. It is effective to use Bedrynets lomykamenevy for salt diatheses, kidney stone disease, liver diseases, chronic gastritis with reduced acidity, intestinal atony, flatulence, edema and gout. Externally, in the form of rinses, the products of Bedrynets lomykamenevoy are used for sore throat, laryngitis, scarlet fever. The fresh juice of the plant is successfully used to discolor age spots. Rhizome powder is added to toothpastes and powders. In the spring, fresh salads are prepared from the young basal leaves of Bedrynets lomykamenevy, which are included in the therapeutic and preventive diet. Rhizome powder is added to toothpastes and powders. In the spring, fresh salads are prepared from the young basal leaves of Bedrynets lomykamenevy, which are included in the therapeutic and preventive diet. Rhizome powder is added to toothpastes and powders. In the spring, fresh salads are prepared from the young basal leaves of Bedrynets lomykamenevy, which are included in the therapeutic and preventive diet.

Medicinal forms and applications.

Internally – tincture of roots and rhizomes (in a ratio of 1:10, in 70% alcohol, infuse in a closed container for 7 days) 15-20 drops 3-4 times a day;

decoction of roots and rhizomes (1 tablespoon per 2 cups of boiling water) half a glass 3-4 times a day (can be with honey).

A vitamin spring salad is prepared from Bedrynets lomykamenevoy: chopped leaves of Bedrynets lomykamenevoy (40 g), radishes (10 g) and onions (40 g) are seasoned with sour cream or mayonnaise (40 g), and pieces of one boiled egg are placed on top.