Rozhevy periwinkle – pink periwinkle

Rozhevy periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus); periwinkle pink


Bagatorichny evergreen flavor of the periwinkle homeland. The stem is cylindrical, naked, erect or slanted, 30-60 cm folded. The leaves are short-petiolate, vidovzhenі, bliskuchі, opposite, with good veining. The tickets are correct, double-sided, 5-peled, rozhevy or white, selected by 2-4 on the tops of the pagons. Plid – from 2 leaflets. In the minds of Adjara, grass blooms – black until autumn.

Width. Walk from Indonesia. On the terens of the colossal SRSR – in the greenhouse culture, roslin is like decorative. On the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, the single culture of Sirovin grows in wet soil. In medical craftsmanship, the above-ground part of the growth is vicarious. Harvested at the phase of mass color, if the maximum content of alkaloids is indicated in the leaves. Pharmacies are not allowed.

Chemical warehouse. From the herb Periwinkle erysipelas, over 60 alkaloids were seen, which lie up to the group of indoles. Among them: vinblastine, vincristine, leurosine, leirozidin, leirosivine, rovidin and others.

Pharmacological power and victory. Alkaloids of Barvinca erysipelas show anti-tumor, antibacterial and hypotensive activity. In oncological practice, there are two anti-tumor products: vinblastine and vincristine. In foreign folk medicine, periwinkle erysipelatous is used for hypertension, diabetes, bleeding, for healing and cleansing wounds, and for visually rinsing – with toothache. Fresh sik roslini vikoristovuvali with wasp stings.

Medical forms and zastosuvannya . Vinblastine (Vinblastmum, Vincaleucoblastine) is applied internally in generalized forms of lymphogranulomatosis, lympho- and reticulosarcoma and in uterine chorionepithelialoma; contraindications for leukopenia. Vincristine (Vincristinum, Oncovin) is used internally in the complex therapy of acute leukemia, lymphosarcoma, and Yuing’s sarcoma. Rozevinum (Rosevinum) is an analog of vinblastine.