Periwinkle straight – periwinkle straight

Vinca erecta (Vinca erecta); periwinkle straight


Perennial herbaceous rhizomatous plant of the periwinkle family. Stems are erect, numerous, 15-50 cm tall, forming curtains. The leaves are opposite, sessile, elliptic, sometimes ovate or rounded, leathery, bare or slightly pubescent. The flowers are white or pale blue, single, in the axils of the leaves. The fruit consists of 2 leaves. Blooms in April – May.

Distribution . Endemic of Central Asia. It grows on the northeastern, southern and southeastern slopes of the mountains.


Procurement and storage . Roots and rhizomes are used, which are harvested during the entire growing season. After digging, they are cleaned, cut into pieces 2-3 cm long, laid out in a layer of 5-7 cm and dried, turning over 3-4 times during the day. Store in a dry, well-ventilated place. They are not dispensed by pharmacies. Chemical composition. The roots of periwinkle contain up to 3% of alkaloids, including vincamine, reserpine, scimianine and others.

Pharmacological properties and use.Ervamin and Vinsulin, the direct products obtained from periwinkle, stimulate the muscles of the uterus and are used to stop postpartum bleeding. Vinsulin is also effective as a hypotensive agent. A tartaric salt of vincamine called vincamethrin is proposed as a uterine remedy. The product barvincan hydrochloride, which is the hydrochloride salt of vincamine isolated from the periwinkle, is allowed for use. This product in therapeutic doses, like strychnine or securenine, excites the central nervous system and, above all, increases the reflex excitability of the spinal cord. Barvincan hydrochloride is prescribed for asthenia, lethargic paralysis, neuritis, neurasthenia, peripheral paresis, weakening of cardiac activity and impotence. The drug is also taken as a tonic for general weakness after debilitating illnesses.