Badan thick-leaved – bergeni a grassifoli a (l.)
Botanical characteristic. Family saxifrage. Perennial herbaceous plant, up to 50 cm high; rhizome is thick, fleshy and creeping, highly branched. The leaves are entire, large, broadly elliptical or almost round, dark green, turning red by autumn. Flowers lilac-pink. Blossoms in May-June, seeds ripen in July-August (Fig. 5).
Distribution – forest and alpine belt of Altai, Kuznetsk Alatau, Sayans, mountainous regions of the Tuva Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Baikal and Transbaikalia. It grows in rock crevices, along mountainous screes, in sparse forests, in dark coniferous forests, rarely forming continuous thickets.
Medicinal raw materials. Use rhizomes that are harvested throughout the summer. First, they are lightly dried on wooden hangers, and then dried to an air-dry state. Drying time is three weeks. Fast drying reduces the amount of tannins. The finished raw material breaks easily and has a light yellow color at the break. Store it in wooden boxes or paper bags in a dry, well-ventilated area.
Chemical composition. The rhizome contains 5-28% tannins, isocoumarin, bergenin; in the leaves – 10-20% tannins, gallic acid, arbutin, bergenin.
pharmacological properties. The roots and rhizomes of the plant have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and astringent effects. The latter is due to the presence of a large amount of tannins, which causes superficial thickening of tissues, which is manifested by the restriction of gland secretion, narrowing of blood vessels and thickening of their walls, reduction of pain and weakening of the inflammatory reaction. The antimicrobial activity of the plant depends on the presence of arbutin.
Application. Assign a decoction of the rhizome 1:10 for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by diarrhea and bleeding, and for infectious diseases of the intestine – together with fthalazol, xeroform, chloramphenicol. Outwardly – for washing the mouth. Doses inside: horses and cattle 20-50 g, sheep and pigs 5-15 g, piglets and lambs 1-3, dogs 2-10 g.
They also recommend bergaftol (a combination of the active principles of bergenia with phthalazole) and bergmicin (a combination with chloramphenicol) for dyspepsia, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract of infectious origin. Doses inside: calves 1-3 g, piglets and lambs 0.2-1.0 g.
Rp.: Decocti rhizomatis Bergeniae 1:10 – 1000.0 Laevomycetini 5.0 M. f. mixtura
DS By mouth 1/2 cup 3 times daily for diarrhea.