
Pharmacy name: dark, red-brown paste made from seeds – Pasta Guarana, or Guarana.

Botanical description. Curly shrub up to 12 m in length, with long-petiolate pinnate leaves; inflorescence – panicle. It grows in Brazil (especially in the Amazon) and Venezuela.

Active ingredients: caffeine, tannin, saponin, resin, mucus, starch, red dye.

Application. Caffeine as a tonic and stimulant helps with migraines and headaches of a different origin. Tannin acts against gastrointestinal disorders. In Brazil, guarana is used as a raw material in the food industry.

Sapindaceae – Sapindaceae.

Pharmacy name: dark, red-brown paste made from seeds – Pasta Guarana, or Guarana.

Botanical description. Curly shrub up to 12 m in length, with long-petiolate pinnate leaves; inflorescence – panicle. It grows in Brazil (especially in the Amazon) and Venezuela.

Active ingredients: caffeine, tannin, saponin, resin, mucus, starch, red dye.

Application. Caffeine as a tonic and stimulant helps with migraines and headaches of a different origin. Tannin acts against gastrointestinal disorders. In Brazil, guarana is used as a raw material in the food industry.