Aloe tree (agave, sabur)

ALOE TREE (agave, sabur)


An ornamental houseplant common in our country. It has a relatively short trunk (stem in room culture) and large fleshy xiphoid elongated leaves, sometimes up to 60 cm long, with subulate edges and spines.

For therapeutic purposes, juice is used, from which sabur is obtained (evaporated, condensed and hardened juice of aloe leaves), which, when rubbed, gives a yellow-green powder with a peculiar smell and bitter taste.

Sabur contains aloins, which are mixtures of antiglucosides, which, when cleaved, form eludin (trioxymethylanthraquinone) and sugar – arabinose. In addition, sabur contains resin, essential oil and some other substances.


The active principles of sabur can cause an increase in the peristalsis of the large intestine, therefore aloe has long been used as a laxative. The laxative effect begins 8-10 hours after administration.

For the breakdown of aloe antiglucosides, the presence of bile in the intestine will be necessary, therefore, sabur products should not be used by patients with diseases of the liver and gallbladder.

In medical practice, sabur products are most often prescribed for chronic constipation orally in the form of a powder (0.05–0.2 g per dose), dry and thick extract (0.02–0.1 g) in tablets, and sabur tinctures (20 drops per reception). In chronic gastritis, accompanied by constipation, gastric ulcer, after dysentery and to increase the body’s resistance against infectious diseases, to improve appetite, take 5-10 ml of juice from fresh aloe leaves, which should be used immediately after receiving it, for 0, 5 hours before meals 2-3 times every day. Externally, juice from fresh leaves is used to treat purulent wounds, burns, inflammatory skin diseases, etc., with neuralgia, radiculitis, sciatica, and headaches.

An emulsion prepared from the juice of aloe leaves (kept in the dark at a temperature of 6-8 degrees for 12 days), castor, eucalyptus oils, is used to prevent and treat skin lesions that occur during radiation sickness, anemia.

In folk medicine, as an external remedy, this juice is very often and quite successfully used for burns, non-healing (old) wounds, ulcers, with purulent inflammation of the eyes or incipient cataracts (gray cataract) in the form of lotions from diluted juice (in a ratio of 1:10) or from the infusion of the leaves.


A mixture for the treatment of products from aloe or agave for internal use in pulmonary tuberculosis, also in persistent bronchitis, neuralgia, sciatica, sciatica, headaches: pork or goose lard – 100 g, butter (unsalted) – 100 g, bee honey (pure ) – 100 g, juice from aloe or agave leaves – 15 g, cocoa (for taste) – 50 g.

Take twice every day for 1 tbsp. spoon into a glass of hot milk.