Name: Aystra stepova – European aster
Aystra stepova (Aster amellus); aster european
Bagatorichna herbaceous rossiyanoopushena roslina of the homeland of aistrovs (folded flowers). The stem is erect, less ruffled in the succulents, 25-60 cm folded. Leaves are black, sessile, cylindrical, elliptical or spatulate. Tickets are selected in koshiki: edge – matochkovі, yazychkovі, light or dark blue; middle – two-state, tubular, yellow. The leaves of the obgortka are along the edge with a red pleated oblyamіvkoy. Cats are similar to a shield or to a volat. Plid – Simyanka with a forelock. Flowers in linden – sickle.
Width. Growth on steppe slopes, stony and vapnyakovy places, knots, on chagar forests near the forest and forest-steppe regions of the western-western part of the republic.
Sirovina. Vykoristovuyut succulents (cats), pick them up on the cob of blossoming growth.
Roslina is unofficial.
Chemical warehouse. Succulent revenge saponins and alkaloids. Some authors doubt that there are alkaloids in Russia.
Pharmacological power and victory. Roslini pritamanni vіdkharkuvalі vlastivostі. In folk medicine, vicorist is used to treat tuberculosis for legenia, ailment of the intestinal tract and shkiri.